Navigating Academia in a Foreign Space: An Interview with Professor Vanessa Lim
Choi Su-yeon
Vanessa Lim is a professor in the English Department of SNU, part of the school’s growing international faculty. As she shares her journey that has taken her across the globe from the UK to Korea, she offers personal insights on cultural adjustments, perspectives on academia in a new space, and valuable advice for students and faculty navigating similar paths. Culture & Academia1. Can you describe your background in academia and how it is similar/different to your current position at our university?I came to literary studies in a very roundabout way—I was first a student of political philosophy as an undergraduate and then as a master student I studied intellectual history and the history of political ideas and it was through that that I came to my main field of studies which is Classical and Renaissance and through that Shakespeare. So my background in academia has been varied—I am happy to be here in an English department. 2. How does the overall culture at our university compare to that of your previous institution(s)? (ex: academically, the environment and atmosphere etc)My main academic experience and studies have been in the UK so I can only really speak to what's happening there. I was in the UK for about eight to nine years I think around nine. Initially, I enjoyed it very much. I thought it was very welcoming and had a good time, but in recent years, although this is not only limited to the UK, the higher education sector has been in considerable trouble over there. Compared to where I’ve just come from, SNU feels very stable and everyone has been absolutely lovely. 3. Could you elaborate a little further on the considerable trouble in the UK you’ve just mentioned? There's a lot of upheaval-strikes related to the pension funds in the UK. So comparatively, SNU feels like a very safe space to work in. That's not to say there aren't issues here in Korea which I'm not all that well educated on, but from my very limited bubble in the Humanities Department, I feel safe. Navigating in a New Space and Surrounding4. Have you encountered any challenges navigating the academic system in a different country, or its cultural aspects? Obviously the language barrier is a huge source of trouble. I'm studying Korean really hard, but it's not like I always have the time. As I'm sure you know, a lot of the paperwork and the bureaucracy at this university is done in Korean, so it's not something I would be able to get by without a lot of help. Culturally, there were lots of new things that I've experienced: things like hweshik (회식), or after-work gatherings, are very unique to Korean academic culture or Korean working life, generally. Of course in the UK you go to the pub with your colleagues, but it feels a little different. There’s no Second or Third Rounds (2차, 3차), and it usually doesn’t go on for that long. So it's been quite a new cultural experience in this sense. 5. Were these aspects difficult for you to adjust to at first, were they merely shocking or surprising culturally? Culturally and somewhat linguistically Korea has lots of different levels of formality and hierarchy, which I'm not necessarily used to. I was born and raised in Singapore, then lived in the UK for a while, and then Europe for a bit, where although people do respect their elders and speak politely, it's a different level of consideration. People say I don’t need to turn away when I drink at hweshik but of course if every junior is doing it, then I would have to do it. 6. So it’s a different form of formality compared to what you are used to in Singapore or the UK. Yeah absolutely! When I first moved to the UK, when I first started my Ph. D. program I kept writing to my Ph. D. advisor addressing him as “professor,” and he wrote back to me saying “Vanessa, You must never call me that. I would strongly prefer you address me by my first name. ” Here, I have to address my colleagues as “OO teacher”. Students always call me professor, so I'm always very shocked by that. The first two years, I could not get used to being called professor. Students who would address me would say “Professor Lim,” so I was like (gasp) “I’m a professor now, okay!” 7. The weight of the word itself is actually different in some countries. Yeah exactly, I would call my colleagues by their first name or students would call me by my first name. Some students in the UK will say “ma’am” because it's a part of how they address teachers in high school. But ma'am and professor are very (laugh) different. 8. Have you noticed any other cultural differences in the expectations of academic staff and students between your home country and here? Is there any particular anecdote you’d like to share?I do have an anecdote from my first week. When I came here—I think my second or third time riding the line 2 subway, which is very crowded, I experienced an ahjumeoni (middle-aged woman) physically moving me out of her way so she could get off the subway. I don't remember ever in my life even in Singapore being physically moved by an ahjumeoni. So, personal space is something I've had to navigate especially when it comes to people behaving like that in the subway. 9. Is there a difference in value on personal space that you experience in different cultures? Yes, I think if we talk about space, not just in terms of physical space, but in terms of the boundaries between more metaphorical things. For example, what I've discovered here is that a lot of work conversations sometimes tend to happen through KakaoTalk, and people text each other all the time about work. That's new to me, because I would previously only email my colleagues rather than text them. So the boundaries between work and time-off are sometimes blurred. Also, what comes into mind is the appearance-oriented comments. I can see how someone moving to Korea for the first time with a different background from me, say, if they lived in the UK or Europe all their life, it would be very different. Since I was born in Singapore—I was raised in Singapore in a Chinese speaking household, I think I share a lot of, you know, how people sometimes say “oh, you look tired” when they greet you—I hear that a lot, I used to hear that a lot (laugh). But it's not something you could say in the UK. I think in the UK, if you say you look tired, people might get really offended, or things like “you lost weight”—you don't do that there. I think my upbringing in Singapore has been a bit helpful in terms of assimilating into Korea. Teaching in this Space — SNU 10. Can you discuss any notable differences in personal teaching methods or student engagement in your lectures that you've observed here compared to your previous teaching experiences? I had a list of things for this. Firstly, the format of how classes are held here is slightly different from what I'm used to. In the British system for larger undergraduate classes, what you usually have is a lecture and a seminar. The lecture talks for about an hour and gives background information, and then you have a seminar in which you break into smaller groups and have a really intense discussion about the things you've read. But here, as you know (the interviewer is currently taking Prof. Lim’s course), there's no kind of lecture-seminar distinction. I've had to adapt my teaching and kind of combined the two. So in class I make you talk a lot because I think that's really helpful for people to discuss things together in terms of how students behave. I think, and this is not particular to my experiences, that our students are maybe worried about getting answers wrong when they say things to the class, especially if it's a bigger group. Sometimes in class I ask the question then it’s silent and quiet, and I tell you I can wait, and I really can wait. What I want to say is that we're all here to learn and the classroom is a safe space so you should feel free to speak up. Yeah, I think a part of that comes from how not a lot of the courses here are discussion based but rather the professor lecturing for one to three hours and the students just listening to them the entire time. I think it's helpful for you to talk to your classmates so you know how they've read, especially when it comes to the kind of thing I teach, texts (like Machiavelli’s The Prince the interviewer is reading in Prof. Lim’s class) because everyone has different interpretations of the text, so it's always very interesting to see what people have observed or different things they've picked up from the text. So I tend to be discussion based. 11. How does the support and resources available to you at our university compare to those at your previous institution(s)?Ah, I kind of want to go back to what I said earlier about the crisis of higher education in the UK. A big part of it has been a lot of funding cuts, people being asked to take voluntary severance so there's a huge lack of financial resources support. So I am very lucky to be here at SNU because new professors get a yeongubi (research funds) which they can use to support their research by buying books or going to conferences. In terms of my academic background, it's not something I would expect from my job. I feel very safe and supported at SNU in that sense. I've talked to colleagues from other Korean universities and I understand their institutions are not so generous so I feel extra taken care of here in SNU. 12. So it’s because you really know about what's happening in places like the UK that you can understand that you have a different kind of treatment here? When I first got the yeongubi I was like “what?! I get money to buy books!” This is very new to me, because otherwise I would have to pay for books by myself or if I wanted to go to a conference in the US I would not be able to get it fully funded, I think, by an institution. But here, the department and the college is very good and the central administration is quite supportive of people doing things like that, so that's good. 13. Is there any advice you could give to other foreign students at SNU, to those that don’t feel at home here in Korea?I'm not sure if I’m fully qualified to give this advice because I'm not sure I entirely feel at home at this point. I think you should try as much as you can to learn Korean or the language. I like learning languages so even if I'm visiting a new place for a few days I would try to learn something simple, but I would say learning the language helps not just because it gives you a little bit more confidence but also you know communicating is important. I'm also a very stubborn person in that I don't like to ask for help even if I don't understand anything, but if you are a foreign student coming to Korea, don't be afraid to ask for help. That will help you feel more at home and get closer to people who help you. You will find people willing to help you. Everyone's experience varies but I feel generally Korea, Seoul National University, is a welcoming place. So if you reach out to people, there will be people who will help you feel at home. 14. Many local students are looking into exchange student programs as well as other foreign-country programs. Is there a comment you’d like to make on open-mindedness or international mindedness? That's a really good question. I think moving abroad—So I first moved abroad when I was seventeen and I haven't lived at home since, I haven't lived in Singapore since, so it's been a long time. I think the most important thing to know about moving abroad or living abroad is that it will be uncomfortable. You will discover new things and new inconveniences and things you didn't know. It's a very trivial example—when I moved to Switzerland, I had no idea the supermarket would not be open on Sunday or that it would close at 4 PM on a Saturday. This is before I moved to Seoul, I lived in Switzerland for six months. I remember walking somewhere to get protein bars from a gas station because I just could not buy any groceries. So I had to kind of adapt my schedule because I was so not used to it. So it's important not to let these inconvenient things get in the way of enjoying the experience of living somewhere new. My main suggestion would be to embrace the discomfort, acknowledge that you're not going to be able to do everything and that not 100 percent of your experience will be perfect, but there will be new things that you will learn that you will experience. Thank you for sharing your experience so generously with us! It was a pleasure to hear your experiences on cultural adjustments and academic life, offering valuable guidance and inspiration to students here at SNU. Thank you again.
Creating space for passion: SNU’s Central Campus Clubs that foster personal hobbies
Lee Jae-seo
What’s your current fixation of interest? Maybe it’s the intricate perfume-making, or an impulse to go learn scuba diving; perhaps even bird-watching. Either way, SNU probably has a space for your interest to thrive: in the form of a ‘dong-bang. ’ A dong-bang is an abbreviation for ‘dongari-bang,’ which directly translates to “club room,” where club members can hang out, pull all-nighters, have meetings and store all supplies necessary for club activities. Clubs are a fascinating space to explore your hobbies as well as socialize with those who share common interests. University clubs are the epitome of campus life for everyone, especially for freshmen on campus. A popular university platform “Everytime,” an app that introduces all clubs in SNU called “All-cul” and school-held offline events such as the “Club Introducing Event” are all ways to familiarize yourself with some clubs that may spark your interest. The SNU community offers a variety of clubs to satisfy even the most niche hobbies and explore activities that they have never experienced before. Let us invite you to the world of niche and specialized Central Campus Clubs that are open for the whole university to join and are often larger in scale. There is undoubtedly space for everyone. This selection is only a small sample, yet there are ones that are unique in their purposes. SNU’s clubs are categorized into Academic, Athletic, Hobbies, Service, and others. The provided list will focus on the Hobbies and Athletic clubs as they cater to more creative clubs that you likely may have never heard of!Pium - Room 412Did you know that there are gardens on campus? Pium, which translates to “the blooming of a flower,” is a club that aims to take care of the gardens in buildings 220 and 200. One member of Pium was passionate enough to describe her views about the club. According to the member, SNU’s gardening club Pium has two divisions. "Teumbat-bu" takes care of growing crops and "Jeongwon-bu" takes care of organizing the garden (usually flowering plants). In the weekly meet-ups as well as various special events, a wide range of activities can be experienced. She also shared her personal feelings. “[She] got to be a part of many activities that made [her] feel very fulfilled such as taking care of the in-school garden. [She] grew cabbage and radish to make kimchi with it, grew strawberries and cherry tomatoes only to enjoy the fruits, and planted colorful flowers that brightened up the campus. As for the special activities, [she] visited places related to gardening, planted “pet plants,” created flower arrangements, and did other unique activities related to plants. ” Towards prospective members of Pium, she wants to say that “even if you lack knowledge about plants, the joy of aiding the growth of life with your own two hands along with the other members seems small but is so definite. You can take a breath of air amidst your busy daily life and find some rest for your tired self. ” How would you like a club where you can heal your inner soul by gardening and surrounding yourself with nature on campus?Birdle - Room 606Birdle is a wild bird research society that strives to observe and research wild birds. Anyone interested in birds is qualified to become a member. As there are endless species of birds aside from sparrows and doves, this is a chance to get to know more of them. Since it is hard to find unique birds on campus, there are explorations you can partake in where you get to visit mountains and parks with club members to observe birds and capture majestic pictures of them. This club also works in close relation to different universities with this shared interest, thus you can readily meet people from other schools. With them, you will be able to go on these explorations together with other members, observe birds together, learn new knowledge about birds from one another, and ultimately bond. If you need some time to get away from the busy city life and instead take in some fresh air while encapsulating yourself around the chirping of birds, this may be a club that may allure you. Minutia - Room 441A club concerned with scents sure is one unique club. A variety of cultural and artistic activities relating to scents and perfumes are offered. Perfume-making classes are typically provided every week. The first few weeks of these classes include exploring a variety of basic scents and finding which one is your favorite. The next couple of weeks dive into deeper scents and building personal perfumes. The club also hosts perfume exhibitions every vacation prepared during the academic semester. According to a member of Minutia, “Minutia allows you to familiarize yourself with various scents and even create your scent to be used for your own perfume or scented ornaments. There are also frequent small group meetings to do activities related to perfuming such as cherry blossom scent making and carnation scent making. ” As for the membership fee, she stated “Although the membership fee does feel a bit expensive, I think that money is all worth it since you can experience various scents for yourself as well as create your scent. Furthermore, there are sometimes 회식 (after parties) after group activities, so I had many chances to get close to different people. ” What she wanted to say ultimately about this club was this: “If you have an interest in perfumes or other scented products and want to learn more in-depth about it, I highly recommend joining this club!”HurimA cocktail club in a university undoubtedly does sound foreign. Or perhaps it appeals to many’s hidden obsession. “Hurim” provides cocktail seminars that educate you about a variety of cocktails. You can even recreate your cocktail and get to taste it. Touring bars and pubs to find cocktails that suit your palate is also a possibility in this club. Aside from cocktails, there are events where members can bring in a variety of different drinks such as wines, beers, and even Korean traditional alcoholic beverages, and share them with the whole club. They also emphasize that they are completely free from the forced drinking culture, and everyone drinks to their limit and satisfaction. Hurim appeals to those interested in various types of alcohol while also advocating safe practices of drinking, putting emphasis on the enjoyment of tasting alcohol. Snurfer - Room 612As winter approaches, one may take an interest in specializing in a winter sport. Another uncommon sporting club is Snurfer: a club for those who are interested in snowboarding. They are a part of the Korea University Snowboarding Federation (KUSBF) along with snowboarding clubs of other universities. They host large-scale events such as snowboarding competitions where you can compete as teams or individuals where you can aim for a prize. They also have parties where members can attend. Information on those can be seen on their Instagram page. Although snowboarding is a winter sport, the club still hosts activities during the spring semester so that students can get closer to other members of the club. For example, there are board exercises that can be done on land, even without snow. Since snowboarding requires physical strength and balance, exercising these skills beforehand will enhance your snowboarding skills. Snow is thus not necessary for practicing these skills. If you are worried about not having the experience beforehand, there is no need to fret. This club has more new members who have never snowboarded before than those who are experienced. Keep in mind that “Snurfer” is a very popular club, thus the applications fill out rapidly and may close earlier than the deadline. Looking for a club to learn snowboarding as a group while meeting new people with that shared interest? This club is for you. SNU ScubaScuba diving sure is not a day-to-day opportunity one would obtain, especially in Seoul. This scuba diving club has been active in SNU for 47 years. Even beginners can join the club as lessons start from the very basics, though one prerequisite is that you must be able to swim breaststroke. You will be able to earn an SDI (Scuba Diving International) license which allows you to scuba dive anywhere in the world. This club does not meet weekly; they have a short training period and expedition during the summer and winter breaks. In the winter of 2023, they went to Namae in the Gangwon Province. They also traveled abroad to the Mactan island of the Philippines. Going on these expeditions will surely significantly enhance your scuba diving skills. If you are invested in activities and clubs that you can participate in during the lengthy summer and winter breaks, why not join SNU Scuba?Most clubs open their applications at the start of every semester, and some are open at all times. Ensure to check up on the details directly announced by the club you are interested in to not miss any deadlines! After you become an official member, visit their dong-bang most likely located in the Student Center (Building #63). The listed clubs that have dong-bangs have their room number stated right beside their name. When you visit, you will be able to enjoy socializing with club members in a space catered just for your club! Everyone in SNU has a space where they can be themselves and explore their identities: clubs are just one sensational way. This space is not only physical, as provided by the dong-bang, but also communal, provided by the members of the club and their interactions. There is always space in different clubs and communities, big or small, waiting for you to be a part. Do not ponder any longer and simply explore. These spaces are waiting for you to benefit.
Sustainable development: Seoul National University’s Graduate School of Environmental Studies 9reserves nature amidst construction
Park Da-som
Currently, around one-third of Gwanak Mountain, home to Seoul National University’s largest campus, is occupied by buildings for educational purposes. As Seoul National University continuously strives to accommodate more students of different fields, the school must build more buildings within the campus. Recently, the school has created a new department, the School of Transdisciplinary Innovations, which requires buildings separated from those of the College of Engineering and the College of Natural Sciences. While it is true that these constructions provide improved educational settings, many are concerned that the ongoing construction of the new buildings within the campus may have negative impacts on the beautiful nature of Gwanak Mountain. On that note, the Graduate School of Environmental Studies is exemplary for proceeding with eco-friendly buildings and promoting sustainable development within the campus. Established on January 25th, 1973 by merging the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of the Graduate School of Public Administration and the Department of Landscape Architecture, the Graduate School of Environmental Studies is the first institution that provides higher education to train professionals to cope with environmental issues raised due to the rapid industrialization and urbanization that South Korea underwent during the twentieth century. Hence, numerous alumni are playing important roles in the environmental sector within and outside of Korea. Not only does the school train its students to become advocates for eco-friendliness, but it also puts this philosophy into practice in its very own building, exemplifying its commitment to sustainability. Most notably, the Graduate School of Environmental Studies building was built with a Piloti structure, an architectural process where a building is constructed to be lifted above the ground. This minimizes the cutting and filling of the original land, maintaining the surrounding nature. In addition, to preserve the lawn square nearby, the building of the Graduate School of Environmental Studies was built behind the lawn. This not only helped preserve the lawn square in front of the building but also provided a good view of the campus and plenty of sunlight in every room. This is because the open lawn leaves space between the buildings and ensures that the building is not shaded by nearby structures. In addition, the Graduate School of Environmental Studies is committed to energy efficiency through the strategic use of louvers in its building, which meticulously control light penetration and enhance ventilation. A louver is an arrangement of parallel, horizontal blades, slats, laths, slips of glass, wood, or other materials. It is usually made as windows or doors to regulate the sunshine and is very efficient in terms of ventilation as it regulates the airflow. Within the building of the Graduate School of Environmental Studies, louvers can be easily found. In regular lecture halls, the louvers are used as windows so that direct light does not come into the halls, reducing glare. In contrast, there are louvers on the ceilings of the lobby, which fill the building with a good amount of sunlight. Therefore, there is no need to turn the lights on during the day because the incoming sunlight is very strong. This natural lighting extends to the classrooms. Additionally, these louvers facilitate ventilation through natural air circulation. Specifically, in the lecture halls, the louvers create a cross-ventilation effect, where cool air enters from one side and warm air exits from the other side, which helps maintain fresh air and a chilling environment. The eco-friendly louvers do not sacrifice the aesthetics of the building. In the library, there is a vertical louver, which not only organizes the inflow of light but also spotlights the architectural aesthetics of the library, the mezzanine structure. The mezzanine is an intermediate floor, situated halfway (mezzo means ‘half’ in Italian) between the main floors. It is usually open to the floor below. Mezzanines are constructed to increase the floor area of the building without changing the building’s external dimensions. The vertical louver enables the interplay of light and shadow. Since the angle of the sun changes throughout the day, the interplay moves and highlights different details and edges of the mezzanine floor, which provides an interesting spectacle. The building of the Graduate School of Environmental Studies also has its smart temperature sensor, which allows the efficient use of air-conditioning and the heating system. Specifically, the temperature sensor measures the temperature and controls the air-conditioning system accordingly. Thus, when the temperature reaches a certain level, the sensor automatically shuts down the air-conditioning and the heating system, allowing the building to maintain a high level of energy efficiency. These methods demonstrate how an alternative architectural and interior structure prevents the destruction of the natural environment around the Department. Such efforts were awarded by the Korean Institute of Architects and the Korean Award for Environmental and Culture on Interior Design. Other than that, the Graduate School of Environmental Studies is consciously making efforts to enhance environmental sustainability through various community-engaging activities. The Department has a roof garden called “Haneul Ma-dang” where over a hundred species of trees, shrubs, and herbs flourish. The “Rooftop Garden Cultivation” held at Haneul Ma-dang offers students the opportunity to submit a gardening plan in groups of two to six. They discuss how they are going to turn the impoverished roof of the building into an eco-friendly zone, what they are going to cultivate, and more. Since only seven teams are selected to become the official roof gardeners of the year, the program is very competitive. Furthermore, symposiums were held regarding the roof garden: during the opening, professor Jong-Sang Seong made an emphasis on the use of the roof as a place for greening practiced in daily life through the presentation “Green Dreams in the Air—the Poetics of the Roof Gardens” during “The Rediscovery of the City, Roof and the Garden” symposium. Following the practices of the Graduate School of Environmental Studies, the concept of roof gardens has spread across the campus: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, College of Education, College of Engineering, and the Main Library. These gardens serve as an open space where students and faculty members can relax and interact. This expansion of green space on campus holds a deep connection to the “Declaration for a Sustainable” Seoul National University, declared on October 13th, 2008. This declaration is a commitment to cultivate member’s values and attitudes to correspond to sustainable development. To foster a green campus, the Seoul National University pledged to create an environment-friendly campus culture based on the active participation of the members of the university. One of the tangible outcomes of this declaration is the establishment of green spaces like the rooftop gardens across the campus. Additionally, Seoul National University has initiated more sustainable environmental practices like plastic reduction programs and the promotion of environmental clubs and green student community “Green-in-Us. ” These efforts show the university’s pursuit of sustainability, endlessly seeking ways to enhance eco-friendliness within the campus and encourage environmental responsibility among the students and faculty members. Amidst the ongoing campus constructions, the building of the Graduate School of Environmental Studies serves as an important reminder: while the construction may be necessary, there are still ways to protect the environment throughout the process. Not only can we apply architectural methods to build an eco-friendly building but also make conscious efforts to make the building itself eco-friendly by creating more green spaces within and on the building. Seoul National University is not only renowned for its prestigious rankings in terms of education but also for its beautiful scenery, as we coexist with the beautiful nature of Gwanak Mountain. Let us all strive to preserve the environmental beauty of our campus, ensuring that nature and academics can coexist in the future as well.
Growing influence of franchise chains at SNU
Kim Hyeon-yool
University campuses across South Korea are experiencing a surge in the presence of franchise chains. Seoul National University boasts a remarkable 60 franchise outlets (including various restaurants, convenience stores and cafes) – the highest among domestic universities. According to recent data from the University Education Research Institute, 465 commercial facilities have set up shop in 53 universities across Seoul, averaging nearly nine outlets per institution. Notably, the top 10 universities each accommodate around 30 commercial establishments. The sharp increase in the presence of these commercial facilities on university campuses can be attributed to the financial need for universities to generate income through leasing. Over the past decade, many universities, grappling with financial difficulties due to government-imposed tuition fee freezes, turned to leasing as a revenue source. This trend intensified after government support waned in the post-COVID-19 era, leaving universities in dire financial difficulties. The rapid increase in franchises on campus is more than just a commercial boom; it is a growing problem directly impacting students. As these franchises multiply, student spending is on the rise, posing a real financial challenge for the student body. If this trend continues without intervention, students may find it increasingly difficult to manage their expenses. What adds to the concern is the dwindling presence of student-friendly businesses that traditionally offered substantial benefits to the student community. These businesses, which once provided budget-friendly options and perks, are facing stiff competition from the growing number of franchises. It is essential to recognize the broader consequences of this trend, acknowledging that it not only affects students' wallets but also jeopardizes the accessibility of services that directly benefit our student population. Addressing this issue requires a proactive approach, ensuring that the unique needs and interests of students are not overlooked in the evolving commercial landscape on our campus. Varied Perspectives on Franchises on CampusVarious perspectives surround the prevalence of franchise chains on university campuses. For some, the influx of these franchises represents an opportunity to generate additional income, potentially improving student life through enhanced services. This viewpoint emphasizes the positive aspects of the franchises and their potential contributions to the overall campus experience. "The lease income generated from on-campus commercial facilities is reinvested into students' education expenses," explained an official at a private university. Many SNU students welcome franchises. "I don't think introducing franchises itself is a good thing, but I don't see a need to view it negatively either,” said a student who wished to remain anonymous. “Franchises, being primarily composed of large corporations, offer benefits such as discounts, online ordering, and familiarity. ”“I think it's positive in the sense that it ultimately contributes to the convenience of students, so personally, I think there's no need to be negative about it," the student added. "I really like it! I don't have to go outside to get delicious food, and the on-campus discounts are substantial!" said another student. However, there are some concerns and complaints. Lee Hee-sung, a researcher at the University Education Research Institute, raised concerns, saying, "external businesses that pay rent to the university must make a profit. Naturally, these businesses prioritize profits rather than student well-being. As a result, campus living costs can only rise, heightening the burden on students. ” "Universities profit from students' tuition fees and impose additional high usage fees to the firms, effectively dividing the money paid by students between major corporations and the university," he added. While the majority of SNU students generally hold a positive view of franchises, there is some criticism regarding the current franchise situation at SNU. They noted that prices tend to increase excessively and felt the growing daily expenses due to franchises are burdensome. Also, many suggested that franchises should offer more visible benefits, such as student discounts. In light of these factors, it is evident that some changes are necessary. A possible alternative for expensive franchises would be Saenghyeop, a unique and independent university organization. What is Saenghyeop?Student cooperatives, commonly referred to as "Saenghyeop" in Korean, are unique nonprofit organizations collaboratively managed by university staff and students. These cooperatives play a pivotal role in overseeing various indispensable welfare facilities on campuses, encompassing dining options, convenience stores, bookshops, and vending machines. Significantly, the surplus income generated by these cooperatives is predominantly reinvested for the benefit of students. The inception of the student cooperative concept can be traced back to 1990 at Chosun University, where the objective was to provide essential welfare facilities for a holistic university education. Over time, this model has proliferated to 34 universities across South Korea, establishing a community where students and staff actively engage in the management and promotion of ethical consumption practices. Sogang University took a pioneering step by establishing its student cooperatives in October 1988, marking the beginning of Saenghyeop's steady growth. Presently, Saenghyeop boasts over 130,000 members across 33 universities. What sets these cooperatives apart is their unwavering commitment to reinvesting generated profits back into the university community. In practical terms, student cooperatives have been instrumental in making higher education more financially accessible. They prioritize maintaining reasonable prices for products and services, considering the financial situations of students over accumulating substantial profits. Their primary mission revolves around ensuring that the overall cost of living on campus remains affordable, thereby alleviating the financial burden on students. However, the burgeoning presence of commercial facilities within universities has posed challenges to the revenue streams of these cooperatives. Some universities have gone as far as imposing rent and security deposits to Saenghyeop, contributing to a decline in their activities. According to the Korean University Cooperatives Association, the nationwide membership rate has plummeted from 33. 8 percent in 2004 to a mere 15. 3 percent in the past year. This decline underscores the pressing need to address the challenges faced by student cooperatives and rejuvenate their role within the university landscape. Despite these difficulties, the ethos of Saenghyeop remains rooted in its dedication to student welfare. As commercialization intensifies on campuses, the critical role played by these cooperatives in fostering an affordable and student-centric environment means strategic interventions may be necessary. By reassessing their operational dynamics, collaborating with university administrations and enhancing outreach efforts, student cooperatives can reclaim their pivotal position in supporting students' financial well-being and maintaining an ethical and accessible campus experience. Revitalizing Saenghyeop in SNUSeoul National University Student Cooperative (SNUSC) has encountered a series of challenges, including the closure of Global House in 2017, the Family Life Convenience Store in 2018, the closure of dining halls in building 500, restaurants, Cafeteria No. 4, tea house DaHyangManDang, and the computer supplies store in subsequent years. A qualitative survey conducted to understand SNU students' perceptions of SNUSC revealed a limited awareness of the cooperative, which was especially exacerbated post-pandemic. Moreover, a more significant issue is the low participation of students as SNUSC cooperative members. SNU members can become cooperative members by paying 10,000 won ($7. 49). Cooperative members are entitled to benefits such as a 3 percent discount on purchases of stationery and memorabilia, a 5 percent discount on all products at Cafe Neutinamu, discount on TEPS exam fees, and exclusive perks during cooperative events. When asked about their willingness to pay 10,000 won for these benefits, many students expressed that they did not see significant merit in them. Particularly, while Saengheyop highlights the TEPS exam discount as a major perk, most students deemed it irrelevant due to the infrequency of taking the exam. Students at SNU have expressed a keen desire for more meaningful benefits, particularly advocating for larger discounts on various beverages and meals at the school cafeteria. Additionally, they've put forth suggestions such as exclusive snack sharing events and prize giveaways solely for cooperative members to incentivize joining the cooperative. While meeting these demands may pose initial financial challenges for both the school and Saenghyeop membership-based facilities, it presents an opportunity to address a broader issue: the decline in Saenghyeop membership. The idea is that by offering more attractive and practical benefits, such as increased cafeteria discounts, there is a likelihood of revitalizing Saenghyeop membership. The current low participation in Saenghyeop activities could be attributed to the demanding job market and shifting student priorities. Therefore, despite the potential financial challenges, meeting these demands becomes a necessary step to overcome the declining engagement in Saenghyeop. In essence, while there may be some financial implications in the short term, addressing the students' desire for more practical benefits not only improves their daily lives but also serves as a strategic move to boost Saenghyeop participation. It becomes a necessary investment to foster a more vibrant campus community, ensuring students find value in extracurricular activities amid the competitive demands of the job market. A SNU student emphasized that SNUSC should accurately identify the needs and demands of students. Facing competition with large franchises, it is crucial for SNUSC to consider not only the quality of service and products but also the familiarity and trust that play significant roles in consumer decisions. To redeem its position, SNUSC should pay meticulous attention to the specific needs of student consumers to compete effectively with the variety of services offered by larger franchises. The challenges faced by SNUSC highlight the importance of adapting to student needs and preferences. By reassessing and enhancing the benefits offered to cooperative members, with a focus on more relevant and desirable perks, SNUSC can reclaim its position as a valuable resource for Seoul National University students. In doing so, not only can it meet the current demands of the student body but also ensure the cooperative remains a cornerstone of student life at SNU.
Private campus tours impact SNU campus life
Lee Si-un
"[Private campus tours] are too noisy and make campus life uncomfortable," said a Seoul National University student. "It's fine for them to come to the campus, but it seems they shouldn't enter spaces where they're not supposed to," said another graduate student. Who are these individuals dissatisfied with? Many of you have probably seen a group of students dressed in school uniforms walking around the campus. They are students who have come for a “campus tour” along with university student mentors, touring around campus and engaging in various activities. There is a clear distinction between privately organized campus tours and official campus tours organized by Seoul National University. Official campus tours are programs available at many universities. In the case of SNU, there are several campus tour programs conducted in collaboration with student ambassadors, such as SHINE. These official campus tour programs are typically well-organized with appropriate group sizes, structured curricula, and well-trained mentors, and they are generally carried out without significant problems. On the other hand, private institution-led campus tours often cause issues on campus. These private campus tours are conducted by tour agencies that recruit students and college mentors to participate in campus tours through the Internet and print advertising. The participating student groups vary depending on the nature of the tour. For simple visits, students from elementary school to high school may participate, but for career and education-related campus tours, the age range of participants tends to be slightly higher. Private campus tour companies charge a participation fee from students and distribute a daily wage to mentors, keeping the remaining amount as profit. Their main goal is not to accurately transmit credible and exclusive information about the university, nor is it about managing the students; they primarily aim to generate profit which is why the companies do not have any incentive to control the problems that may arise during the tour. Students participating in private campus tours sometimes make excessive noise within the campus, and this can be a source of inconvenience to other students. Furthermore, a significant number of the mentors responsible for managing these students have not received proper training, making it very challenging to effectively control their behaviors. In a survey conducted by The SNU Quill, 54. 2 percent reported experiencing noise disturbances due to private campus tours. Furthermore, 92. 3 percent of respondents answered that the noise disturbances had an impact on their university life. The location where noise issues were predominantly raised was the Kwanjeong Library, followed by department buildings, and the Student Center. This indicates that students at SNU are indeed experiencing the effects of noise disturbances caused by private campus tours. It is easy to find more concrete examples of the problems caused by private campus tours. On Everytime, a social networking service frequently used by SNU students, there are numerous posts expressing dissatisfaction with campus tours. According to these posts, some students currently studying at SNU have had their study environment significantly disrupted by the noise coming from students participating in campus tours, particularly in areas near the library. Furthermore, in recent incidents, more campus tour students have been seen entering Kwanjeong Library, potentially indicating the increasing severity of the issue. Another commonly mentioned issue was the inconvenience caused in the university cafeteria. Private tour participants share the university cafeteria with SNU students. As tour mentors instruct all tour participants to use only one cafeteria, SNU students who dine together with tour participants inevitably have to endure long queues. This is especially problematic for students who need to eat quickly between classes. "I have to finish my meal at the Arts Building cafeteria within 30 minutes, but due to the longer lines created by campus tour students, I’ve had to give up on my meal," complained a SNU student. Another problem lies in the suitability of the mentors conducting campus tours. In preparation of handling official campus tours, SHINE (SNU's official student ambassadors) members thoroughly familiarize themselves with a detailed script. This is an all-encompassing guide, consisting of the history, geography, and other comprehensive information related to SNU. After mastering this information, mentors undergo extensive training through rehearsals. Only after completing all these steps do they become eligible to conduct campus tours. On the contrary, mentors for private campus tours are individuals who work for a daily wage and may conduct tours without having extensive knowledge or experience related to SNU. They typically receive brief pre-tour training on the day they are scheduled to conduct the tour. As a result, the possibility of these mentors conveying inaccurate information remains, and their ability to effectively manage the students is not guaranteed. However, as campus tours serve as a way to introduce the university to external individuals, there is a significant responsibility to spread accurate information. Therefore, campus tour mentoring is not a task that can be done by just anyone or with a minimal burden, as job postings for these short-term gigs often emphasize. A student who had participated as a private campus mentor shared their experience, stating that being a mentor posed challenges including the need to conduct campus tours based solely on their limited knowledge about the school. This not only created difficulties due to a lack of information but also made it challenging to capture the attention of the students during the tour. Another worrying aspect of tour mentors is that it is not uncommon for them to have no affiliation with the university at all. Private campus tour agencies, in cases where they cannot find Seoul National University students for the job, often recruit students from other universities and even non-students as mentors to conduct campus tours. If a non-SNU student serves as a mentor for the campus tour, it becomes more likely that they will convey information about the school that is far from the truth. Additionally, since they lack a sense of connection to the school, they are less motivated to show the university in a good light. They also may not feel the need to prevent actions that could harm the school because even if campus tourists cause issues, it is not the mentors’ own university, so they are not directly affected. The last and perhaps most troubling issue is the damage inflicted on the university by students participating in private campus tours. On 2 June, 2023, students who came for a campus tour at SNU played a game of tag and activated an emergency shower on the first floor of building 504. Building 504 is part of the College of Natural Sciences, a space where lots of experimental research is conducted. If the water from the emergency shower or the students' carelessness had damaged experimental samples, it could have resulted in significant setbacks to research and harmed the university's research capabilities. Another example can be found at Seoul National University's main gate. Recently, the university repainted the main gate as part of renovation work. Less than a year later, it is already covered in scribbles from students on campus tours such as “Class of 2029 OOO, OOO was here. ” SNU students have expressed dissatisfaction with the appearance, and repainting it would result in a loss of both time and resources for the university. So, is there a way to address the problems caused by private campus tours? Some members of the university community argue that private campus tours should be banned entirely. However, due to the nature of our campus, completely prohibiting private campus tours is very challenging; SNU is a public institution with an open campus, which allows not only enrolled students but also the general public to visit freely. Since a complete prohibition of private campus tours is difficult, all stakeholders — current students, users of private campus tours, and the university itself — should strive for mutual coexistence. Within the university, the administration needs to clearly define the entity responsible for managing private campus tours, as the ultimate responsibility for campus management lies with the university administration. Currently, the administration is aware of the potential for conflicts during the tour process. However, since there are no regulations or policies regarding private campus tours, they should establish an internal system to address these matters as soon as possible. One example could be providing an official letter to private campus tour companies, containing the necessary guidelines for conducting tours. This letter could explicitly state the areas that students participating in the campus tour are allowed to visit and places they should refrain from visiting. Additionally, it can include details about the school's history, structure, and other relevant details to guarantee an accurate and comprehensive campus tour. Mentors engaging in private campus tours must be mindful not to disrupt the education and research activities of university members, emphasizing the importance of respecting the campus as a dedicated space for academic pursuits and advising tour participants to refrain from disturbing students and researchers. Since the participants themselves may not realize this, the organizers and mentors responsible for the campus tour should consistently communicate this information to them. If campus tour companies fail to show even the most minimal effort, dissatisfaction among students will likely continue to grow. The campus is a place for academic research, and at the same time, it's an open space for everyone. Until now, SNU students, though reluctantly, have been understanding of private campus tours and the associated inconveniences. This understanding stemmed from the students’ acknowledgment of the university campus as an open space and also remembering the admiration they had for the school when they were young. However, if the issue of private campus tours remains unresolved in the future, their patience may be put to the test. In light of this, institutions such as the university administration and the student council must promptly propose solutions to address the matter.
Another view, another inconvenience
Kim Min-seo
In 2022, a grass field was newly built in the heart of Seoul National University’s Gwanak Campus. As it provided space for the school’s shuttle bus stop, the free shuttle system started to operate more systematically. This benefited many SNU students, but unfortunately, the disabled were not granted the same convenience. This is not the only problem they face regarding mobility. This article addresses the human rights issues that disabled students experience daily at SNU. On the way to school, students with wheelchairs have two options: to take the low-floor bus such as 5516, or to take a taxi. As of 2022, 70 percent of Seoul’s city buses are low-floor buses, according to government policy. Low-floor buses now operate on campus on routes 5516, 5511, and 5513; however, the introduction of these buses is the result of a constant struggle between bus companies that operate on campus and TurnToAble, SNU’s student club advocating for disabled students’ rights. The conflict regarding low-floor buses unfolded in 2015, when these buses suddenly disappeared from campus due to speed bumps. Since low-floor buses are designed with a low body to increase accessibility for wheelchair users, they are very sensitive to road conditions. If there are speed bumps on the road, the lower parts of the buses continue to break down as they collide with the bumps. This was why Hannam Transportation, the bus company that runs the 5516 routes, stopped operating low-floor buses. According to Hannam Transportation, the repetitive impact to the bus floors resulted in continuous breakdowns of the low-floor buses, which incurred major losses worth tens of millions of won for the company. With the disappearance of low-floor buses, wheelchair users suffered great inconveniences. The school initially concluded that it was acceptable to not operate low-floor buses, as SNU already had a shuttle bus for students with disabilities. However, according to various interviews done at the Seoul National University Human Rights Forum last February, disabled students pointed out that the shuttle bus alone does not sufficiently guarantee their right to move. Since there is only one such shuttle bus for disabled students, applications are accepted at the beginning of the semester. The shuttle operates according to a set schedule and stops circulating after 6 p. m. , which is not long enough for many students to get home. As a result of the students’ consistent complaints, the school did not increase the shuttle bus for disabled students, but required low-floor 5516 buses to operate once again. However, despite this long fight to make low-floor buses available on campus, students using wheelchairs are still unable to take the bus during rush hour, when even students without wheelchairs need to cram themselves into a fully packed bus. It is quite common to see a long line during peak hours at the bus stop near the SNU metro station, and with the buses already jam-packed upon arrival, only three or four more people barely make their way in. Therefore, wheelchair users have no other alternative but to take a taxi to reach the campus. Then, what about the free school shuttle bus? Those who have used the school shuttle bus at least once could relate to why wheelchair users cannot make use of it. To board the bus, individuals must climb two steep stairs which are immovable and high, even for non-wheelchair users. The school shuttles are severely limited in terms of accessibility, as they are not equipped with the necessary accommodations for wheelchairs, such as ramps. SNU continues to use these types of buses because the shuttle program is outsourced to a private company. Unlike city bus companies, the private bus company does not offer low-floor buses. On a broader scale, what is more serious is that almost no Korean tour bus charter companies have low-floor buses. In other words, outsourcing shuttle buses is a major factor that contributes to the restriction of mobility rights. The SNU free school shuttle service, intended to help students reach certain on-campus destinations without having to pay in order to help them financially and enhance overall welfare, is actually not of any benefit to those with physical disabilities. After reaching campus by taxi, students can use the mobile application SNU Map, which provides information on barrier-free routes where wheelchairs can go. Even though shortcuts are not provided, the map helps students find travelable paths inside the campus using slopes. However, this convenience does not extend to some buildings. Due to SNU’s landscape, there are classrooms between two floors that elevators cannot reach. For example, in Building 8 at the College of Humanities, there are numerous doors on nearly all sides of the building leading not only to floors one or two, but also to “floor 1. 5. ” So, for the disabled students, getting to the 1. 5 floor means having to find a side door that connects to that floor as they cannot get there by using the doors leading to fixed floors like one and two. The issue often continues inside the classroom. While there are desks that are high enough for the wheelchair to get in, they are always located at the front of the classroom, right in front of the professor. They’ve had a long journey all the way to the class but the stairs inside the building and the limited height of the desks do not allow the students to freely choose their seats in class. Going back home, the students with moving difficulties face the same problem they faced in the morning rush hours: still no room in low-floor buses and no way to use the free school bus. So, they choose to take a taxi, because despite its burdensome cost, there is no other way. Despite the school's ongoing efforts to create a barrier-free campus, it is apparent that mobility rights for the disabled students are -not being upheld to the fullest. As SNU tries to transform its campus into a barrier-free and inclusive community, practical feedback is needed. The low-floor buses on campus, a service that should be readily provided, was only implemented after efforts in 2016. The students as a whole must reflect to see if we have been assigning too much burden to on-campus disability organizations. The role of student disability organizations should be to present and propose views that nondisabled students cannot recognize, not solving the whole problem and hosting the process. Therefore, SNU must find ways to induce more students into the field of public opinion, one such example being a discussion that was recently held on campus titled, “Looking at the world through the eyes of a disabled person: Rights for people with disabilities in universities, current status and ways to improve. ” As more and more technological developments continue on campus, we must make sure that all members of SNU are enjoying the welfare equally. SNU should seek ways to bring more students’ attention to this mobility problem, and to take joint actions with student organizations, such as working in tandem with TurnToAble, to make sure change actually happens on campus.
ChatGPT – The future of learning or a cheater’s tool?
Choi Sung-min
A machine that writes your essay for you as you sit back and relax. A tool that solves all your math problems in the time it takes to open your textbook. For students from any era struggling with coursework, this may have been the idea of an utopia: a world of all play and no work, but still – hopefully – an A. Well, in 2022, the dreams of this utopia may have come true – due to one incredible invention made possible by artificial intelligence technology: ChatGPT. Trained on a vast amount of data, and therefore so versatile, it seems there is not a single thing ChatGPT cannot do. Members of SNU have been using ChatGPT for a variety of purposes, from learning new things and translating foreign textbooks to getting research assistance for professional presentations and essays. However, not everyone praises its versatility. On the other side of the ChatGPT craze, there are people who see the chatbot as a threat: an evil machine that only serves to demoralize hard-working students and ruin academic integrity. After a year of coexistence with ChatGPT, it seems the time has come to take a look at ChatGPT’s effect on our lives at SNU. The Status QuoA survey conducted on July 2023 by the SNU Faculty of Liberal Education which asked 582 students and 163 professors about the use of ChatGPT at SNU indicated that about one-sixth (16. 7 percent) of students have experience using it for various purposes, including writing codes and essays, and summarizing and translating documents. Furthermore, 56. 5 percent of the students reported that they have not used ChatGPT but are willing to use the service in the second semester of 2023. The situation was similar for professors at SNU. Among professors, 17. 8 percent responded that they have used ChatGPT for academic purposes, and 56. 4 percent were considering using it in the fall semester. The survey shows that many members of SNU, regardless of their profession, are interested in using ChatGPT for academic purposes. A survey conducted independently by The SNU Quill in November 2023 showed that the number of people actively using ChatGPT has remained significant, with 73 percent of survey participants saying that they have used it on assignments–directly or indirectly. The impact also extended to classrooms, with about half of the respondents having experienced a change in grading and/or teaching methods due to AI. Is it really that good?When ChatGPT was first widely introduced in February 2023, students’ reactions were mixed on the true potential of the technology. On the popular college social media Everytime, students generally found it useful for translation, proofreading, and writing code. One student even claimed to have gotten an A+ using a report written by ChatGPT, though the validity of this claim remains uncertain. Others have found flaws inside the AI system. One issue is that ChatGPT often generates realistic information that is completely made-up, commonly referred to as hallucinations. These hallucinations can range from outlandish claims – such as one viral post of ChatGPT claiming that an upset King Sejong threw a Macbook at one of his servants while creating Hangul – to subtle inaccuracies that are believable and thus hard to spot. These hallucinations, especially the latter type, make fact-checking a vital process while using ChatGPT. “It is hard to utilize ChatGPT in more specialized fields of study as it often produces false information mixed in with correct responses, which is hard to differentiate,” commented one respondent in The SNU Quill’s survey. Similarly, another issue that was raised about ChatGPT is that it is prone to subtle errors, especially regarding math and science problems, compared to other programs, like the popular math problem-solving software WolframAlpha. Still, ChatGPT is excellent for getting a more customized version of whatever information you need – something a Google search won’t easily get you. One common use is in summarizing long articles, getting directly to the point, and saving time for the busy reader. Another forte of the AI, for the coding enthusiast, seems to be its ability to generate customized code snippets – lines of code that solve your specific programming problems when you are stuck. “ChatGPT is really good at writing and debugging code,” said a student from the Department of Pharmacy. He had been working on a browser-based Tetris game which was made possible via assistance from ChatGPT. “The good thing about GPT-4 is that it gives you options on which code you can use for your projects. It makes creating simple web apps like these easier. ” In spite of this, he agreed that there were weaknesses in ChatGPT, specifically with chemistry and math problems, where the model tended to make calculation errors. All this said, ChatGPT seems to have had more of a beneficial effect on those at SNU. In The SNU Quill’s survey, 45 percent of the respondents agreed that ChatGPT had “made college life easier,” compared to the 13 percent who disagreed and the other 41 percent who were unsure. Cheating Allegations“With great power comes great responsibility,” Spider-Man once said. This can be no truer for ChatGPT, which in some aspects is a more powerful cheating tool than anything that has ever existed before. We must now define the subtle line between getting help from ChatGPT and cheating. But where exactly do we draw this line? – Professors’ ViewThe SNU Quill’s survey shows that as of Fall 2023, many professors permit the use of ChatGPT with some degree of freedom, as long as the work itself is not entirely executed by AI. 70 percent of students responded that they have been in a class with such restrictions, especially in subjects that are vulnerable to the influence of AI. More and more professors are mentioning the usage of ChatGPT in assignments. Professor Won Jung-dam, in his class of Discrete Mathematics of the Computer Science department, noted in the syllabus that he forbids “asking ChatGPT (or other LLMs) for answers to homework,” whereas “asking the definitions, concepts, or extra examples relevant to the course is fine. ” More notably, it was possible to find many introductory English classes, such as College English I and II where using ChatGPT was mentioned as plagiarism, possibly due to the AI’s better performance in English. “Whilst using AI programs such as ChatGPT to write assignments is clearly unethical […] there are a number of applications of AI which can potentially enhance students’ learning experience on writing courses,” stated Professor Nicholas Shaw in an announcement for his Advanced English course in the winter semester of 2023. The survey also showed that many professors do not explicitly mention the use of ChatGPT in the classroom. This indicates that the effects of ChatGPT may perhaps be less pronounced in some classes. In the first semester of 2023, it seems that students may have been relying less on technology than previously thought. “Students did not generally seem to be aware of the effects of ChatGPT in the classroom,” said Professor Cha Ik-Jong in an interview featured on SNU News. He later added that students seemed to be using it more actively in College Writing 1 classes a few months into the semester. – Students’ ViewDespite the restrictions on AI use imposed by some professors, it seems that not many students think cheating using ChatGPT is a big issue. While many leverage ChatGPT for academic assistance, The SNU Quill’s survey showed only 14 percent of students felt that others using ChatGPT in the current state is unfair. An interesting result was that everyone having equal access to AI was an important factor in them thinking so. When asked if the students themselves weren’t allowed to use AI while others were, 60 percent of students found this situation unfair. Then, granted that everyone has access to ChatGPT both inside and outside the classroom, students increasingly feel that using it for help in assignments is not cheating – it may be the new norm. Another thing to note is that the effectiveness of ChatGPT may depend on the nature of the subject taught. It seems ChatGPT is generally less efficient at advanced topics that require original ideas. “In literature majors, I don’t think using ChatGPT is a big issue, as essays require a personal understanding of the topic which cannot be achieved by AI alone,” remarked one respondent. Meanwhile, ChatGPT seems to pose more concerns for introductory-level courses and those involving topics where AI excels. On the Bright SideThat being said, ChatGPT possesses an equally large potential for positive academic integration – something that is being recognized by many members of SNU. Even instructors have noticed this potential, as the SNU Faculty of Liberal Education hosted a lecture on the potential uses of ChatGPT for students. A lecture with the title: “A New Experience Learned by Chatting, College Life with ChatGPT” was held, which focused on the possible uses of ChatGPT in education, such as for brainstorming new ideas. The presenter, Professor Cha Ik-Jong, discussed his belief that ChatGPT should “not be used as a tool for writing in haste, but for easily structuring and summarizing a text. ”Concluding ThoughtsIn summary, while the concept of integrating ChatGPT in the classroom sounds good to many, its implementation requires careful deliberation. For some members of SNU, ChatGPT is a fascinating tool – a personal assistant that travels with you anywhere and everywhere, that makes life so much easier. For others, it may be that ChatGPT is a threat because it makes those things so much easier – it is now hard to know if anyone puts in their genuine work anymore. Whatever your opinion may be, we must not forget that the controversy around ChatGPT is because of its potential as a powerful academic tool. And this potential could be harnessed by everyone teaching and studying at SNU. ChatGPT could be more than just a nuisance for professors handing out assignments, and a utility for students who seek cheap answers from it. Classes are still being affected by the issue of the ChatGPT cheaters, but it is positive that many students see the impact of ChatGPT as something more than that. Besides, if someone lets ChatGPT do all the work for them and learns nothing – wouldn’t it ultimately be their loss? There is no turning back from ChatGPT. So it would be in our best hopes and interests that ChatGPT will be remembered as a tool that benefits all members of SNU alike.
How to Become a Sports Expert in SNU: Introducing the DTM program
Kim Min-seo
A longtime dream of mine has been to become South Korea’s leading sports marketer: I would actively facilitate the inclusion of Korean sports athletes into broader international leagues. However, because the sports industry is not a promising industry yet in Korea, Seoul National University (SNU) currently only has a few classes pertaining to it. While looking for clubs and academies in SNU that would enable me to gain real-life experience in the field, I found the “L&K (Leading Key) Sports Management Group. ” L&K is an academy under the Physical Education Department and allows students to have on-the-field experience by collaborating with various sports clubs and investors. I have participated as part of the seventh batch of L&K and through the experience, I learned about the “Dream Together Master” (DTM) program and thought this would be a great chance to introduce SNU students to the DTM graduate program. What is DTM DTM was launched in 2013, and is sponsored by the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism (MCST). It is a graduate program that educates future global leaders in sport management, and fosters sports administrational leaders from all over the world. The program belongs to the SNU’s Department of Physical Education, and the main professor in charge is Kang Joon-ho from the Department of Kinesiology and Global Sports Management, within the Department of Physical Education. Dream Together Master is a two-year, 36-credit program that embraces a wide range of topics with 10 total themes. There are three modules per theme, and the program offers one team project and one individual project per theme. The themes vary from focused topics like sports humanities to broader topics such as sports event management, sports marketing and sponsorship, and even deals with sports law and arbitration. Not only does DTM offer the courses, but it also provides students with various experiences in the sports field by holding special lectures and hosting on-the-spot study sessions during the semester. The DTM hosts the “Dream Together Forum” each year, where participants discuss various sports issues all over the world. The speakers in each forum vary according to the topic, and the event also calls on experts when needed—during the Pyeongchang Olympics, it involved officers from the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Moreover, this graduate program cooperates with the L&K Sports Management group which is formed among undergraduate students. The members of DTM work as an advisory committee for the project that the L&K members conduct, which is about devising practical schemes about the sports Official Development Assistance (ODA) services targeting developing countries. They share their experiences on-the-field and provide local information that undergraduates have difficulty accessing. As such, under the core values of sharing and excellence, DTM’s ultimate vision is to promote global sports development through the education of international sports administrators and to establish a global sport network. The program is hosted by the Department of Physical Education in SNU, but it is a cooperative project that is funded by the Sports Ministry and the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation (KSPO). It is also in cooperation with the Korean Sport & Olympic Committee and in partnership with the Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC), International University Sports Federation (FISU), and World Taekwondo (WT). Funded by various associations, DTM usually offers athletes or sports administrators from developing countries with full scholarship opportunities which cover students’ tuition, living expenses and flight tickets. How do you become a DTM memberSince this program is a graduate program, there are several admission requirements and preferred qualifications. Admission processes also differ for international students and Korean students. These are several requirements that separate this program from that of other graduate schools. For international students, the applicant must be a former and current sports administrator or athlete. As it is a graduate program related to sports, the applicant can have a bachelor’s degree or higher in any field. In a similar vein, if applicants are from countries recognized in the List of ODA Recipients provided by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) or have participated in major international sporting events (Olympics, Asian Games, World Championships), they become more desirable candidates. The DTM program is also open to Korean students, however, English proficiency is given a greater emphasis compared to foreign students, which means that standardized test scores are required. What makes DTM so specialDespite SNU’s reputation as a prestigious university, it is not a leading institution when it comes to the sports industry as it lacks sufficient undergraduate courses in the field. Moreover, though there is a Department of Physical Education, it is under the College of Education and thus, the curriculum focuses more on the process of becoming an educator and lacks diversity in course options. Despite this, there must be reasons why DTM members chose this program over others. To hear more about the real-life experiences originating from the DTM program, I have interviewed a member of DTM, Ugrasena (Dream Together Master Program Tenth Batch). Ugrasena has played baseball in Indonesia since he was 16 years old and played in national leagues and international games as a national representative. He realized that a career as an athlete and a sports educator was not promising in Indonesia. Thus, he wanted to study more about the industry and use this knowledge to grow the industry in his homeland. While he was searching for graduate schools, he discovered DTM in SNU. (1) What brought you here to SNU DTM? What is its specialty compared to other sports management related graduate schools? To begin with, I really liked the course structure of DTM. Most other graduate schools related to sports consist of 10 modules in a curriculum, so we get to learn 2-3 modules in a semester. But here in DTM, we handle 30 modules in one and a half years. So, I really like the fact that I could get to learn more compared to other graduate schools. Also, unlike other sports related graduate programs, DTM tackles sports ethics, which is not only about sports itself but also about sociology and philosophy. I believe ethics is such an important part in every industry, and especially furthermore in the future, and I really appreciated that DTM involves such a program. Not only the classes in school, DTM provides students various chances to acquire practical sports fields from Gocheok stadium to ski resorts. It enables us to experience diverse sports stadiums, which were sometimes absent in our homeland. (2) How diverse are the members of DTM? There are 22 people in our batch, and we have students from 7 regions from 17 countries. The 7 regions include the Middle East, South Asia, South America, Africa and so on. Even though there are some students from the same country, since they are from different regions, they have different characteristics. Also, recently, the women’s ratio has increased, so the diversity is guaranteed much more compared to before. As we have diverse members, we can learn from each other and know how to collaborate with others who you can’t agree with. Every module, students get mixed, so we get to meet different members each week. During that process, we might face some cultures that do not fit one’s values well, but we work to meet the goal we share, so we get to understand each other much better. (3) Can you tell us more about the “Dream Together Forum”? The Dream Together Forum is an annual event that is hosted by DTM. Since we are funded by various institutions in Korea, it’s an official occasion where all the institutions get to share their visions together. The basic aim is to maximize the power of sport as a peace-making tool. Thus the topic changes each year based on what is most relevant to international society, and the most recent one was about the Sport and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the New Globe. Cooperation with undergraduate students - L&K sports management groupSince DTM is a graduate program unavailable at the undergraduate level, how can we be certain we want to pursue a profession in this field? For those concerned about these issues, there actually is a program for undergraduates who are interested in the sports industry. This program is called the “L&K sports management group. ” Incidentally, Prof. Kang Joon-ho is also in charge of this program. This group also has a “DTM Project” which encourages cooperative teamwork with DTM members. In order to get more information about the L&K Sports Management group and their cooperative projects with DTM members, I have interviewed the president of the L&K sports management group, SungJib Lim (L&K eighth batch president). (1) What kind of organization is L&K and what similarities does it share with the DTM program (in terms of members and goals of the society)? L&K and DTM are groups of people who love sports in common. The similarity lies in the fact that both organizations share a vision to discover and expand the value of the sports market. However, I think DTM students have outstanding professionalism compared to L&K, as they are former athletes or those who are currently active as sports administrators. In contrast, L&K students provide creative ideas through a younger sense and broader thinking, and a virtuous cycle structure is established in which DTMs provide advice on the feasibility and direction of development. In addition, whenever we have difficulties in finding materials in non-English speaking countries, one of the difficulties mentioned above, DTM students from each country directly obtain the materials we need or contact local people to provide materials. (2) What is the background that led you to interact with DTM students and to carry out the DTM project? L&K’s advisor is Professor Kang Joon-ho of the Department of Physical Education, and one of the projects he is working on is the DTM Graduate School. One of his students, a senior who created this group and was the president of the first batch of L&K, has been working for the DTM group. He thought it would be such a good chance for both undergraduates and graduate students to have a cooperative project, so he offered the group a chance to get consultations from the DTM members about our project. This positive relationship has been maintained until now, the 9th batch, and L&K and DTM students continue to exchange help. (3) Interaction between undergraduate and graduate students is not common. Are there any difficulties or special moments you felt through this experience? It is true that the experience of interacting with graduate students is very rare, especially from the perspective of an undergraduate student. However, there are also some challenges. First of all, language is such a big barrier. The members of our group and I can speak English, but as the accents are different according to each DTM member’s motherland, it’s sometimes difficult to communicate. However, at the same time, it offers us opportunities to come into contact with various forms of English, allowing us to bring about development in personal English skills. Also, it is difficult to find data from Asian countries. Since the DTM project is about designing ODA programs for developing countries, we need background data about the target country. We always have a concern that the actual local situation may be different from what we investigated. There always lies the difficulty of finding out the local situation in non-English-speaking countries in detail only with Korean or English data. However, the interest that DTM students send us is special. Being able to make direct contact with foreign students and being able to see sports practitioners, especially those with foreign nationality, up close and ask for advice seems to be a special feature of L&K. In addition, there was an experience that the project we carried out rather led to discussions among the DTM students. On the final presentation day last semester, we presented our final project in front of DTM students and offered them time to ask questions about our projects. I remember being deeply impressed by the fact that the curiosity that started with one question was derived and continued to second and third questions. I think that being able to continue active discussions with various people about one field is also a special feature of L&K and DTM. (4) Are there any people within the L&K group who have careers related to the DTM project? Would you say there is a strong connection between L&K society activities and DTM? As I mentioned earlier, the research assistant of DTM is L&K's first batch senior. Also, among the L&K seventh batch students who graduated last year, there is a student who is preparing to go to DTM graduate school. Also, even if you do not enter DTM itself, L&K students also receive a lot of help in their careers through the advantages of the DTM project. There are many students in L&K who want to enter sports-related international organizations, and through the DTM project, they can experience communicating with foreign sports administrators and forming relationships which enables us to give mutual help. In addition, since DTM is composed of students of very diverse nationalities and disciplines, members who had knowledge only in their field of interest prior to L&K society activities will be able to build knowledge on other subjects while conducting the project. It also lets students study the way to look at the sports market in Korea through the activities of analyzing the sports market of other countries from a business management point of view. As far as I know, there is no organization on campus that focuses as much on the 'sports' market as our society, so if you are dreaming of a career in sports, it would be good to continue collaborating with various organizations within our society. Last words from the writerMy experience in L&K and collaboration with the DTM members allowed me to have a broader understanding of the world as I got to communicate with various people from all over the world. For undergraduates, opportunities to engage in field-related activities are rare. L&K offers projects with various professional sports clubs on field such as KBO and the Korea Ski Association. Through L&K activities and interacting with DTM members, I learned a lot about the various sports circumstances in different countries and Korea’s status in the sports industry. It allowed me to realize that as much as following precedent is important, promoting cooperation with developing countries is even more crucial. Even to those who are not interested in sports itself, L&K will enable you to have a wider perspective when considering international issues. No other SNU undergraduate experience will enable you to have consistent communication with the professionals who treat you as their equivalents in discussion.
CMP and SMP welcomes you unconditionally
Baek Ji-min
Though there are many different ways of meeting new people on campus, it is relatively more difficult to make connections through spontaneous encounters–i. e. , without engaging in academic pursuits or finding similar interests. Seoul National University (SNU)’s Campus Mentoring Program (CMP) and School-life Mentoring Program (SMP) allow more varied types of connections. The Center for Campus Life and Culture (CCLC) is a center fully dedicated to SNU students and faculty in need of psychological support. It provides a wide range of professional services including psychological counseling, self-development programs, and crisis interventions. The Competency Development Department, one of the departments of CCLC, develops various programs to improve network competency between SNU students. The Campus Mentoring Program (CMP) is a mentoring program which connects incoming Korean freshmen, or the mentees, with enrolled upperclassmen, the “mentors”, as a way to expand networking opportunities for the freshman. Like CMP, the School-life Mentoring Program (SMP) is a mentoring program with the same format, but it is for incoming international freshmen. There are four types of activities in CMP and SMP: individual mentoring meetings, group mentoring meetings, gathering events, and group supervision. Individual mentoring meetings are compulsory meetings that take place between one mentor and mentee. These meetings are held once a week, more than two hours each time, and take place a total of 10 times or more. Students can plan their own individual mentoring activities. CCLC provides funds – provided that they meet the minimum requirements – to help assist in the execution of mentoring activities. Six of these individual mentoring teams are lumped into one larger group to host group mentoring meetings. Group mentoring meetings are regular meetings with other mentoring teams, where approximately 20 people meet each other. It is an essential activity as it is a chance to mingle with other CMP and/or SMP members. There are group supervision meetings for mentors and mentees. CMP and SMP mentors and mentees share progress on their activities and provide feedback. Moreover, mentees can get advice regarding campus life thus far including concerns over grades , extracurriculars, relationships, etc. These meetings take place three times a semester for mentors and only once for mentees. Lastly, there are general gathering events for all mentoring members that are held twice each semester. All mentors and mentees at CMP and SMP go on a picnic, potluck parties, etc. Different activities take place every semester. This semester, the first gathering was Sports Day. Students played various games at the school gym and had a group dinner. The second gathering event was “Running Man in SNU campus. ” Like the Korean variety show ‘Running Man,’ the members in groups roamed around the campus, playing games in hopes of winning prizes. How can you join CMP and SMP? Who can join?CMP and SMP recruit new mentors and mentees every new semester. The qualification of mentors are all undergraduate students that are in their second year or higher. Students who are taking a gap semester or year can also apply to become mentors. The process of application consists of two parts: an online application review and a face-to-face interview. After the interview, the selected mentors receive basic education and orientation in preparation for becoming mentors. Any freshmen who want to join the program can apply for CMP and SM. Filling the application online is the only requirement. Mentees should consider most importantly whether they have enough spare time for the mentoring program. There are mandatory activities to attend to receive certification so it is important that you consider your schedule for the upcoming semester. Personal Experience As a CMP mentee this semester, I met the best mentors and had the amazing opportunity to make new and lasting relationships with other CMP members. I had always wanted to connect with people outside my department, so as soon as I saw the email that alerted me of the application deadline, I joined without hesitation. I got to experience various activities through CMP. Through individual mentoring sessions, campus sightseeing and a food tour around Gangnam station were some of the more memorable ones. We also studied together for midterms and traded snacks with each other. At group mentoring sessions, I went to a board game café, Han River, as well as other fun places with my buddies. I especially remember when our group members ate jjajangmyeon at the square in front of the administrative building together. I loved it because eating jjajangmyeon on campus grass has been what I dreamed of for years. CMP provides various activities and events so that students can meet up regularly and frequently. Group gatherings events were held every two months and provided the opportunity for CMP and SMP members to fraternize with each other. Even on days when my assigned mentor and fellow mentee were busy, I could still meet mentors and mentees in my group and try out fun activities together. Now, at the time when CMP is almost over, I am fully satisfied with CMP. I was able to bond with students that I couldn’t possibly be friends if I didn’t join. I fully recommend it to everyone who is interested in CMP and SMP. There were some mentors who came back from the military and joined this semester, so you see, anyone can apply. Those who want to make great relationships between fellow students are all welcome to join. I interviewed CMP and SMP Coordinator Han Gwang-hyun, and SMP mentor Lee Young-jun to provide readers with an intimate glimpse into CMP and SMP. Q1. Hello. Please briefly introduce yourself and the mentoring program, CMP and SMP. GH: I’m Gwang-Hyun Han, working in the Competency Development Department of CCLC. I am currently the coordinator of both CMP and SMP. To provide a brief explanation, CMP and SMP are programs to help freshmen adjust to campus life at SNU by matching freshmen mentees with upperclassmen mentors. YL: Hello, I’m Young-Jun Lee and I’m a student in my third year studying at the SNU School of Dentistry. I am a SMP mentor this semester. Section 1: All about CMP and SMPQ2. I am interested in the inception of SMP and CMP. How did these programs come to be?GH: The mentoring programs take place over the course of one semester; this year, CMP is in its 16th year and SMP is in its 13th year. The Department of Social Welfare first organized the mentoring program as a part of student welfare. There were no other programs at SNU that supported incoming students in adapting to university life, therefore you could view it as the university’s official guide that provides support for freshmen students. Q3. It has already been the 33rd session for CMP and the 26th session for SMP, this semester. What do you think is the main reason this program has maintained popularity over the years? GH: I think it is because students have a good time in the program. They have responded positively to their experiences here. In many cases, students that participate as mentees of CMP or SMP often come back to become mentors. I think this helped generate buzz around the program and ended up becoming the primary driving force of the program’s longevity. YL: In my opinion, I believe it is because there is a lot of demand for mentoring from students. Freshmen and seniors alike want to meet new people and make new relationships. I think CMP and SMP have continued over the years because there are many freshmen students that want support from their peers and senior students that want to help their peers as well. Section 2: Why CMP and SMP?Q4. Why and how did you join this program?GH: As I majored in social welfare, I naturally heard of various programs conducted by CCLC and one of them was CMP and SMP. After completing my master’s degree, I wanted to gain practical experience, so I came in as an employee at CCLC. After some time working in the Competency Development Department, I became the coordinator of CMP and SMP. YL: Last year, when I was in my second year, I took a gap year to study abroad and had the chance to meet people from various cultural backgrounds. I gained new insights from listening to these students and gained the ability to think of solutions in a more multifaceted manner. Once I came back to SNU, I searched for programs that could likewise help me meet students from various backgrounds and looked up possible student-led activities at SNU through my email inbox. As soon as I discovered this program, I immediately applied to become a SMP mentor and so far, I am having a wonderful time this semester. Q5. What has been the most memorable moment at CMP and SMP and why? GH: The most unforgettable part of being the coordinator of CMP and SMP is watching students thrive as they work on their personal growth. As the coordinator, I read the reports students submit after they have personal and group mentoring sessions and I make sure to give detailed feedback. I can also get direct feedback in supervision meetings and experience first-hand how much they have grown as students. The most consequential moment is when mentees tell me that the mentoring program has helped them out a lot. In recent years, the freshmen entering SNU come from a more diverse pool of high schools than before; however, this also means they sometimes do not have seniors from their own highschool to mentor them at the university. CMP and SMP can help these students build strong relationships, just like the ones they would have with their high school seniors. A lot of freshmen have also said that they find their mentors to be trustworthy and dependable. In moments like these, I feel very proud. YL: I don’t think I can pick one single moment. I liked every part of the experience. Q6. What is the biggest distinction between CMP, SMP, and other mentoring programs or extracurricular activities such as the student council and other clubs? What makes CMP and SMP so special?GH: First of all, CMP and SMP are official programs organized and supported by the university. Students can receive help from certified professional counselors at CCLC. I also have a first-degree social worker license, and this helps me provide feedback as a certified expert in mentoring activity reports and group supervision sessions. My expertise gives students the opportunity to freely seek out counseling sessions and any extra help they may need. YL: I think it is the fact that we are free to do our activities however we like and without restrictions, and that we can meet students from all types of cultural backgrounds in this club. Other activities such as academic conferences and clubs have a strictly defined purpose or goal. In contrast, in CMP and SMP, students learn to interact with others through the natural process of getting to know each other. Section 3: The Future of CMP and SMPQ7. To whom would you recommend CMP and SMP?YL: I hope students who want to find ‘genuine value’ join this program. I want mentors to be sincere in helping mentees. I also want mentees to be eager in this process. Though I cannot say that everything I say is correct, as an SMP mentor, I believe that sincerity and eagerness are the most crucial factors in the mentoring program. In the case of SMP mentees (the international freshmen), they enter SNU with a high likelihood of not knowing anyone. So, these SMP mentees especially look forward to meeting a “true upperclassman. ” . I hope students joining CMP and SMP can truly engage in the mentoring activities and desire to learn the true importance of mentoring. Q8. Does the mentor applicant have to be fluent in English or other foreign languages to join SMP?YL: I don’t think that matters much. There are many students who studied at the Korean language school or came to Korea to get Global Korea Scholarships (GKS). There were also students that could not even speak English, but they have done the mentoring successfully and I have seen many instances like that. I think language may be useful but not the fundamental factor required for the SMP mentor. What is important is understanding and knowing the values of the mentoring program. Q9. Any last words for students interested in CMP and SMP?GH: I hope students come to participate with a healthy and cheerful outlook. Please do not come thinking of casual one-off meetings or thinking of this as a way to bulk up your resume. If you do so, you would be taking away a precious, joyful opportunity for someone else. CMP and SMP are really good programs where you can receive official support in adjusting to school life and experience personal growth in various ways; I hope students seize the opportunity to experience this mentoring program. YL: In short, I hope students apply without feeling burdened. I don’t think having specific goals is important in CMP and SMP. It is different from joining a club or academic conference where you have an explicit purpose like making more friends or learning something. I think it is important to put in your best effort in the mentoring program and participate in every activity with sincerity. I hope future participants will learn the meaning of mentoring through this program.
SNU’s establishment of the “Advanced Convergence Department” —Concerns within the campus
Oh Ju-yi
Seoul National University (SNU) has announced the establishment of a new department, the Advanced Convergence Department, to cultivate advanced interdisciplinary talents from those enrolling in the 2024 academic year. The department consists of five majors: Next-Generation Intelligent Semiconductor, Sustainable Technology, Innovative New Medicine, Digital Healthcare and Data Science. This move will result in an increase in student enrollment by 218 starting next year, according to a 2023 interview with the College of Engineering Student Council. The adjustment to the enrollment quota was made possible by the South Korean government’s decision in August 2022 to lift quota regulations for universities to foster independent innovation and train talents in crucial domestic industries like semiconductors. According to SNU, this is the first undergraduate quota expansion since the early 1990s. SNU’s enrollment initially almost doubled from 3,300 to 6,500 students in 1981 after the introduction of the graduation quota system, but has since steadily decreased to 3,233 this year, except for a small increase in 1992. As such, this increase in the admission quota is quite an unusual event. Background of the establishmentSo why is the university establishing this new department? In the past few years, Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix have repeatedly approached SNU with the proposal to create a “contract department for semiconductors,” and the parties involved have had numerous discussions on this matter. Here, a “contract department” refers to a department in which students are guaranteed employment at a specific company after graduation and receive full tuition and financial assistance while in school, but in return, they must follow an educational program to develop the skills desired by the sponsored company. SNU was the first to receive this request for the establishment of a semiconductor contract department, in line with the government’s initiative to cultivate non-memory semiconductor chips. However, this talk was met with opposition from within the university as some believed that training talents for specific fields and companies go against the spirit of a national university like SNU. Nonetheless, on the back of constant requests, SNU submitted a proposal in January to establish a System Semiconductor Engineering major, with an enrollment quota of 57, within the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering in the College of Engineering. Eventually, SNU decided on the establishment of the Advanced Convergence Department, after the Ministry of Education requested revisions to the proposal. Thus, on 27 April, the Ministry of Education announced the allocation of enrollment quotas for general universities in advanced fields and healthcare fields for the 2024 academic year, including the establishment of the “Advanced Convergence Department” at SNU and the aforesaid five majors of the department. The specific plans for each department's educational program are yet to be determined. Interview with the PresidentPresident of Seoul National University Ryu Hong-lim told SNU Quill that the establishment of this new department represents the development of national-level initiatives to foster future convergent talent and create a model for talent education. According to Yoo, “Humanities and social science professors will also participate in education for the Advanced Convergence Department, beyond sharing the College of Engineering, and the major will be jointly developed by several colleges. ”Mixed Reaction from within the campusHowever, SNU’s announcement of its plan to establish a new department called “Advanced Convergence Department” has been met with mixed reactions from within the campus. While some faculty members and students have welcomed the move, others have expressed concerns about the potential impact on existing departments and programs. Those who support the establishment of the new department argue that it is a necessary response to the changing needs of the workforce and the increasing importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in the era of rapid technological advancements. They also point out that the department could serve as a platform for the university to strengthen its research capabilities and compete with other leading universities in the world. However, some faculty members and students have raised concerns about the potential repercussions. They worry that the new department may attract funding and resources that could have been allocated to other departments, potentially weakening their research capabilities and educational quality. Additionally, some have expressed skepticism about the effectiveness of the new department in achieving its stated goals, citing the challenges of truly integrating disparate fields into a cohesive educational program. Looking deep into students’ concernEven though more than 200 undergraduate freshmen will take the entrance exam later this year and enter the university’s program next year, the specific plan for operating the undergraduate program has not been finalized, raising concerns within the university that other departments may be affected. There are concerns about how to coordinate with the College of Engineering and the College of Natural Sciences, which have similar educational programs, over the allocation of personnel and facilities for education. For instance, the “Next-generation Intelligent Semiconductor” major may overlap with the curriculum of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; the “Sustainable Technology” major may overlap with the curriculum of the College of Engineering; the “Innovative New Medicine” major may overlap with the curriculum of the Department of Life Sciences, and there is a possibility that the “Digital Healthcare” major may overlap with the curricula of both the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering and the Department of Life Sciences. As a result of this overlap in educational programs, there are issues that need to be addressed quickly before the establishment of the college, such as the lack of of professors and staff to be assigned to the Department of Advanced Convergence, the scarcity of classroom space and infrastructure, and a consideration for existing departments in the College of Engineering. Consequently, many students at SNU, including those in the College of Engineering, have raised questions concerning the dearth of specific discussions and explanations regarding these matters. As a response, the Student Council of the College of Engineering has held talks with SNU’s Academic Support team. The university has responded that “the Department of Advanced Convergence is not being created within the College of Engineering or as a part of the College of Education” and that “there are no plans to use facilities in the College of Engineering. ” Despite this, no clarification has been provided regarding the size of the faculty or staff, classroom space, or detailed plans. However, due to the lack of time and the nature of the program, people predict that current professors in College in Engineering may be required to open additional courses or to be transferred to the Department of Advanced Convergence. As such, the atmosphere within the university remains uncertain, and concerns among its members continue to be expressed. Is expanding the quota and making a new department the best solution?Seoul National University’s expansion of its enrollment capacity is in line with the government’s commitment to fostering talent in advanced fields. However, is expanding enrollment capacity the best solution for addressing the shortage of personnel in advanced engineering fields? If the enrollment quotas for related departments are expanded, will there be enough research personnel in advanced engineering fields?(1) Creating a new departmentAs a student who has studied Biosystem Engineering and Electrical & Computer Engineering for 5 years, I think the research areas under the proposed majors can be covered and researched sufficiently in pre-existing majors. If there is a high demand for a particular field, I believe the priority should be to expand support and recruitment for existing departments and to increase support for research labs related to the field. Existing majors have been developing their curriculum for decades, and professors have been working hard on research. Therefore, I think that progress in the relevant field can be achieved by supporting existing departments rather than creating a new major which has the potential to bring a conflict of interest. In addition, I think that sufficient domain knowledge is necessary for the field of “convergence”, and that convergence without substance is nothing more than superficial learning. For that reason, I believe that traditional subjects should remain as they are in undergraduate courses, and that convergence studies are more suited to graduate-level programs. Thus, it remains to be seen whether the newly established “convergence” majors can provide education that truly enhances students' skills. (2) Expanding the quotaBefore creating the new department at SNU, the government has created semiconductor contract departments in 10 other universities—including Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology and Yonsei University—to train talents in the semiconductor field. However, in the last year, the dropout rate for registered students in the semiconductor contract department was 155. 3% higher than the number of students recruited. Most of these students ended up pursuing medical studies such as medicine or pharmacy. In addition, 28. 8% of students who were admitted this year to SNU ultimately gave up their spots, and many of them also chose to pursue medicine. This means that top-performing students are no longer as interested in pursuing engineering careers as they are in becoming doctors. Moreover, the increasingly severe concentration of medical students indicates that beyond the issue of imbalanced human resources, the vitality of society has declined because people have become reluctant to take on challenges and fear failure. In other words, even if new departments such as the Advanced Convergence Sciences Department are established, if students lack internal motivation to work in engineering fields, external rewards to support that motivation, and a social atmosphere that fosters challenges, improving engineering talent will remain a distant dream. The establishment of relevant departments is an abstract and localized solution, and it is difficult to consider it a fundamental solution, as it alone cannot change the career choices of students who are making life-changing decisions. The admissions process for the new department will begin this September. Since the establishment of the department has already been decided, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare facilities and educational programs within the school so that newly admitted students can receive good education and to prevent chaos due to the increasing capacity. In addition, to ensure that the establishment of a new department has the desired effect of fostering talent in the Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics(STEM) field, fundamental solutions such as providing appropriate and sufficient rewards for students in the STEM field to maintain their passion for research are needed.