Climate Justice March: chant to fight the crisis
Lee Jae-seo
The world is burning. Climate change is now an indisputable fact which has been supported by countless scientific experiments and research. This global crisis has various implications such as food insecurity, rising sea levels, and extreme weather conditions. More and more people are becoming victims of this catastrophe. While South Korea is not a country known for its strides in combating this, there have been recent cases where Korean citizens have raised their voices to demand change and policies on mitigating climate change. The “Climate Justice March” is where these voices shined through. The first official march against climate change in Korea took place on 21 Sept. 2019, and was named “Climate Crisis Emergency Action.” Then, followed the “9.24 Climate Justice March.” A year later on 23 Sept. 2023, the most recent march called 9.23 Climate Justice March'' was held at Seoul Metro’s City Hall station. It involved event booths, an open mic where people could share their climate change-related experiences, and the march itself. I learned about this event through social media and decided to participate. Before entering the event, I had no expectations of what the march was going to be like. I simply thought that this would be a general outcall to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and to mitigate further environmental destruction. But mere minutes into the march, I noticed that there were many diverse groups, each with a distinct vision. The labor union fought for the improvement of deadly working conditions in the extreme heat. The disabled community expressed their frustrations about their difficulties in evacuating during floods and demanded proper adaptation strategies. There were even families that participated together to preserve a future for their children. Elementary school children and teenagers were also spotted fighting for their future. While the demands of each individual differed, they marched together as one. This was a beautiful yet disheartening scene, since the underlying reason behind this apparent unification was climate change’s widespread effects. During the march, I observed a group of elementary schoolers walking and leading chants such as “inequality is a disaster, equality is needed to live together!” and “stop nuclear power and switch to renewables!” These were some of the many chants written on pamphlets that were handed out before the march. These children went as far as to passionately chant for the impeachment of South Korean president Yoon Suk Yeol, which came across as a shock. The people surrounding these children were also surprised at their enthusiasm and followed the chants that they led. I heard an elderly person say to them that they would become bright leaders who would bring significant change to Korea’s future. Seeing these children, who were young but unafraid to voice their opinions, gave me hope for South Korea’s fight against climate change. I also gained motivation to learn from them and to fight to my fullest. Some may question the effectiveness of these marches and whether or not they create real change in policy-making. However, the 30,000 participants did not go unnoticed by the media. Even after the event, there were a myriad of social media posts and articles used to inform even more people of this event. The physical and online voices of citizens combined undoubtedly had social influence—further pressuring authorities to implement change. While there’s still more to be accomplished, the Climate Justice March set a promising stage for leaders to fight against climate change in South Korea.
Psychobabble: Gaslighting and the Significance of Pop Psychology
Kang Da-yoon
“You know that’s gaslighting, right?” Originating from a 1944 film of similar name, the term “gaslighting” has become a widespread popular (pop) psychology phenomenon in recent years. Even becoming Merriam-Webster’s “word of the year” in 2022, the word has seamlessly integrated itself into our common vernacular across many cultures and languages, and it is here to stay. However, should we so easily accept such a loaded term into our daily discussions? According to the American Psychological Association (APA), “gaslighting” refers to psychological manipulation that intends to convince another person into doubting their own experiences and beliefs. The APA considers the term a colloquialism only occasionally used in clinical literature, but the serious meaning it holds remains the same regardless. Yet, in pop psychology and daily life, the word often merely refers to much simpler acts of deception or even just disagreements in general. If someone is lying, that is “gaslighting.” If someone brings up a counterpoint to your argument, that is also “gaslighting.” There is no doubt that the popularisation of the term is what has caused these outrageous misuses; like a bad game of ‘telephone,’ each loose usage of the word results in an even looser usage. These instances are easily found on social media or even in casual conversations with friends and are so easily encountered that many people who come across the word for the first time may be observing an instance of wrong usage. There are significant consequences to widespread misinformation about gaslighting. Although someone might not know the specific definition of the term, they are most likely aware of its serious implications. This leads to anyone being able to levy false accusations of manipulation (“gaslighting”), and many believing such serious accusations due to their faulty understanding of the term. Moreover, such accusations often lead nowhere, especially when false, as it puts the opponent in a defensive position and potentially eliminates the chances of having any productive conversations about the argument or behaviour at hand. On the other hand, throwing around accusations of gaslighting can cause the accusation itself to lose meaning; if one is called out for “gaslighting” over every little disagreement, one is bound to begin to take the word less seriously, eventually becoming so used to it that it no longer holds any water. With such consequences, it is no wonder that some think the term should have never been popularised. Yet, the fact remains that “gaslighting” has entered the mainstream, and it is here to stay. In fact, I believe that in this case, the benefits outweigh the costs. Despite the word being overused, it is ultimately a good thing that it has become more easily accessible. The popularisation of the term has allowed many people to identify the emotional manipulation they have fallen victim to, and consequently has freed many from its grasp or helped them take the first steps towards escaping abuse. Moreover, knowledge of the concept implants a necessary wariness in us that increases the chances of recognising and avoiding being gaslit. That being said, we must work to correct misuses of “gaslighting” and ensure that it is not thrown around lightly. Only then can we stand assured that the popularisation of the word retains these positive effects.
The Controversy of Free Speech on College Campuses
Ki Min-seo
Freedom of speech in itself is not a rarefied concept. Yet, recently, people have struggled to determine what constitutes free speech at all. Between Donald Trump’s incendiary post-election remarks, which incited thousands to storm Capitol Hill, and Elon Musk’s divisive decision to reinstate banned accounts on Twitter, many have expressed strong opinions about what others should and shouldn’t be allowed to say. Now, free speech has re-emerged as an issue that takes center stage on college campuses around the United States. It might seem natural to many that college campuses—spaces meant for debate, education, and the exchange of ideas—are the natural battleground for free speech issues. Indeed, one of America’s most well-known social movements, the Free Speech Movement, took place on UC Berkeley’s campus in the 60s. Fighting then for their rights to freedom of political and religious activity, students were emboldened to organize demonstrations that led to the eventual dissolution of restrictions on free speech. But amidst a growing political divide, issues today that are part of the free speech debate have been subject to exceeding partisanship and hostility. The University of Chicago has long since been regarded as a stalwart patron of free speech. Its famous Chicago Statement, drafted in 2014, cemented the institution's “[commitment] to free and open inquiry in all matters.” Tensions to do with free speech escalated in June, however, when a lecturer faced backlash for their seminar titled “The Problem of Whiteness.” Dr. Rebecca Journey received online harassment and hate mail after Daniel Schmidt, a student enrolled in her anthropology seminar, tweeted, “Anti-white hatred is now mainstream academic inquiry.” Mr. Schmidt’s actions, though censured by faculty on campus, were not met with formal repercussions from the university. Increasingly, universities have struggled to define the boundaries of free speech. And while the University of Chicago lent its full support to Dr. Journey and her seminar (which eventually began a quarter-semester late), there’s also something to be said about the institution’s refusal to reprimand Mr. Schmidt. Free speech, by nature, opens up conversations on important issues to polarizing perspectives—perspectives that are valuable, insofar as they promote further discussion and understanding between different factions. Although Mr. Schmidt may not have spoken out of malice, the harmful effects of his comments nearly prevented Dr. Journey from commencing her seminar. What we must understand about free speech is its purpose: to create a space for constructive discourse, where every person feels acknowledged and heard regardless of their political standing. When free speech starts to border on persecution and the censorship of others, it betrays this very principle. Granted, how a university chooses to regulate free speech is within its own right; but the promulgation of universities’ decisions will affect whether free speech is preserved on college campuses for years to come.
Obituary: ‘Live on the right path, and that path will always win’
The SNU Quill Editorial Team
In memory of the late Chairman Lee Jong-hwan. The SNU Quill relays its deepest condolences to the grieving family of late Chairman Lee Jong-hwan, founder of Samyeong Chemicals, the Kwanjeong Lee Jong-hwan Education Foundation, and Seoul National University’s Kwanjeong library. Chairman Lee Jong-hwan passed away at Seoul National University hospital last September at the age of 94. The late Lee founded the Kwanjeong Lee Jong-hwan Education Foundation in 2000 and has since provided over 270 billion won ($ 201 million) in scholarship for students throughout South Korea. He lived by the motto “Though I cannot be an angel in making money, I will strive to become one in spending it.” Lee donated 60 billion won in 2014 to construct Seoul National University’s Kwanjeong Library. The library, now a landmark of SNU, is eight stories tall and equipped with the latest education technology. Lee was recognized for his altruism and was awarded the highest honor by the South Korean government. “I enrolled in 2018, and spent most of my time during each exam week at the Kwanjeong Library. It is very sad to hear that such an altruistic person has passed away, and I am forever thankful that he had helped us study in such a good environment,” said a SNU senior surnamed Lee. According to local news reports, Lee’s last words were “live on the right path, and that path will always win. Learn to forgive each other. I am sad to leave without seeing one of my students win the Nobel Prize.” A memorial hall was set up in the Kwangjeong library in September 2023.
Hectic goes the politics around Seoul International Book Fair
Lee Ye-jin
What do the books–and the affairs surrounding them–tell us about the current administration’s attitude regarding literature? The government has treated literature as a bygone artifact for scholars or a simple pastime to enjoy. It has not given any recognition or compensation to writers unfairly blacklisted while reducing the budget designated for public libraries. However, the peak of this misconception showed on June 14th, the opening day of the 2023 Seoul International Book Fair at the Convention and Exhibition Center (COEX). The First Lady of South Korea, Kim Gunhee, came to visit the Fair unannounced; on top of that, the Korean Publishing Association prohibited publishing journalists from entering the exhibition halls while Kim gave her opening speech. The Book Fair had already been disgraced publicly because it had chosen Oh Junghee as one of its ambassadors. The novelist was infamous for being directly associated with the “cultural blacklist” under former impeached President Park Geunhye’s administration. The “blacklist” was a government-led effort to oppress cultural creators who openly expressed their criticism against the ruling party. After the blacklist was revealed and judged as a violation of the constitution, Oh resigned as the Head of the National Museum of Korean Literature. However, the Korean Publishing Association still chose Oh as one of the fair’s leading faces. Many cultural organizations protested this choice, holding press conferences. On the opening day of the Book Fair, around ten writers stood outside the event hall to protest this choice. While the First Lady gave her speech, the Book Fair hall was filled with hectic shouts who protested against the political interference of the government in Korea’s cultural industry. The area around the First Lady’s stage was filled with guards, who only let authorized reporters enter based on security issues. The list did not match that of the Book Fair’s, since even reporters with press credentials were not allowed to enter the hall. The chaos got worse when the police force bodily arrested the protesting writers, who were trying to enter. “[The protesting writers, including myself,] were not even trying to go onstage,” poet Song Gyungdong recalled in a Facebook post, “we were just in front of the entrance when tens of people violently isolated us and evicted us out of the hall”. Even the citizens who participated in the Fair were shaken and shocked. Writer Ji-ha Yi wrote on Twitter they were “startled at dull sounds, followed by screams…I got out without even looking around [the Fair] properly because I felt so dispirited.” What happened after the “startling and dispiriting event”? Writers and creators who were expected to participate in the Fair boycotted the event, such as the singer-songwriter Irang. Novelist Oh Junghee resigned again as the ambassador of Seoul International Book Fair but without any apologies or a hint of repentance in the announcement. Nine literature associations held another press conference on the 18th, the closing day of the Fair, to protest this lackluster response. Lee Wonjae, the manager of the Cultural Action Association, said that “this careless attitude that it’s enough if the Fair is held and finished is what led to the ‘Oh Junghee scandal.’” The associations also required an apology from the Presidential Security Service for the excessive use of force on protesting poets, as well as for preventing even designated literature reporters from doing their job. The speech that the First Lady gave at the Fair was, in short, that “the power of culture is truly great. This is why the future of AI cannot replace books.” However, the hectic events that surrounded the event halls–and the diminishing budget of content-creating programs, as well as the shutdown of many public libraries–suggest that there is dramatic irony at play, one that cultural citizens certainly cannot laugh at or ignore.
Gen Z’s playground for capturing memories: Photo Booths
Jeon Eo-jin
Recently, one small booth has become a must-have in all the trendy neighborhoods of Korea. Everyone from couples, friends, or family visits the place to create and share memories. The answer is none other than the “four-cut photo booth.” Since its emergence in 2017 with “Life4Cut'” as the pioneering brand, numerous other brands such as Photoism, Photogray, and Harufilm have sprung up in less than five years. Its popularity at universities is also evident as multiple photo booths were set up during Seoul National University's spring festival to provide students with an opportunity to create lasting memories with their peers. How did this business manage to gain explosive popularity and growth among the Gen Z population? To begin with, it's the perfect blend of analog and digital elements. Taking digital photos has become second nature to Gen Z, so the idea of capturing a photo and instantly printing it out and receiving a physical copy feels refreshingly different. Moreover, by scanning the QR code attached to the photo, they can download a time-lapse video capturing the entire process of taking a photo along with a digital file of the photo itself. This aspect appeals to the digital-native generation by captivating their interest. People proudly share downloaded videos or photos on their Instagram stories or posts, showcasing their friendships online. Through these means, the four-cut photo booth established itself as a playground for people both offline and online. Furthermore, the wide variety of frames and props plays a significant role in its popularity. Amid the rapid emergence of brands, consumers continue to seek out new photo booths with diverse event frames and props. Some fans even visit photo booths that offer frames that look like they are taking photos with their favorite celebrities or characters such as Zanmang Loopy. Some customers prefer places with more unique and unconventional props, such as fruits or MBTI tags, instead of just sunglasses, headbands, or cute hats. With a wide range of props, backgrounds, and customization options available, people can tailor their photo booth experience to align with their unique style and preferences. Whether it's using quirky props or striking fun poses, these photo booths provide a platform for self-expression and individuality. Lastly, the presence of various pose-related memes has attracted individuals that are highly attuned to all the new trends. Gen Z, known for their active participation in online communities, closely follows the latest viral trends and memes. When a specific pose or photo trend gains traction on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, or Twitter, it quickly becomes a cultural phenomenon, with people across the globe joining in on the fun. Four-cut photo booths have become a natural extension of these online trends. For instance, recently, the trend of wearing sunglasses and flipping the peace sign upside down for photos took Korea by storm. People seek out photo booths that can help them recreate and share their own version of the trend. The ability to participate in these viral challenges and create shareable content adds an extra layer of excitement and social validation for individuals. The explosive love and growth of four-cut photo booths among Gen Z in Korea can be attributed to a combination of factors. The fusion of analog and digital elements, the diverse range of frames and props, the influence of pose-related trends, the desire for unique experiences, and the impact of social media culture all contribute to their appeal. By catering to the preferences and interests of the Gen Z population, these photo booths have become a popular and cherished activity, enabling individuals to create lasting memories and share them with others both offline and online.
Non-face-to-face medical services take Korea by storm
Park See-on
“Hey Alexa, I want to talk with a doctor. Please connect me to him.” As soon as you are finished, Alexa creates a video call between you and a licensed doctor in a few minutes. Alexa is an Artificial Intelligence speaker developed by Amazon that supports non-face-to-face (NF2F) medical services for mild illnesses or for diseases that need continuous care. Just like Amazon, many big tech companies such as Google and Microsoft and startups are focusing on developing NF2F medical services. The market began to expand after the Covid-19 pandemic: in 2020, the market size for NF2F healthcare was $35 billion and it is expected to reach $225 billion in 2030. During the pandemic, patients could not go out to get medical services in person, which resulted in the exponential growth of virtual medical services and platforms. This phenomenon is especially evident in Korea. NF2F medical service was illegal before the government legalized it during Covid-19, and it has been under trial since June 2023. “Doctor Now” is the top NF2F medical care mobile app in Korea, having been downloaded over 4.3 million times. Its service started in November 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic. “Doctor Now” provides non-face-to-face medical care at any time of the day. It is affiliated with over 3000 medical institutions in Korea and offers over 20 departments of medical treatment. In fact, patients can get medical treatment for not only the coronavirus but also for acne, diet, and hair loss. Its services include delivering prescribed medicine to patients’ houses in less than 30 minutes. Medication is dispensed and delivered from the nearest pharmacy based on a GPS tracker. “Doctor Now” differentiates itself by offering real-time interactive consultations for free. If users leave messages on an interactive consultation board, doctors or nurses will answer usually in 5 minutes. The application was selected for the innovation award in the area of digital healthcare at CES 2023 for its contribution to increasing access to healthcare systems. There are over 30 non-face-to-face medical service mobile apps in Korea, which means competition between apps is becoming more intense. Therefore, apps specialized for specific diseases are starting to gain popularity. For example, “Sir’s” and “Hold” specialize in the treatment of men’s hair loss, and “FADOC” specializes in oriental clinic services and herbal medicine prescriptions. According to a survey conducted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, over 60% of users who have experienced non-face-to-face medical services were satisfied with their experiences, and over 80% of users answered that they would use the services again. The biggest reason for their satisfaction was convenience, as users could save time used for visiting hospitals or clinics. Although the majority of users were satisfied with NF2F medical services, some concerns still exist. Since patients can get prescriptions easily through mobile apps, doctors and pharmacists are concerned about drug abuse. Doctors also worry that patients’ symptoms will exacerbate especially when treatment in person is necessary for serious illnesses. From the patient's point of view, trust in the doctor can be a problem, as a patient receives treatment without physically checking with the doctor. In sum, non-face-to-face medical service is a double-edged sword. Therefore, it is crucial that patients use the applications wisely and go to a hospital to get treatment in person if they have serious illnesses.
My personal tips for incoming exchange students at SNU
Alyssa Steyn
An exchange semester at Seoul National University (SNU) is a truly indescribable experience. It is an entirely new university culture and you will have plenty more to discover beyond getting surprised by the sheer size of the campus. However, there are a few things every exchange student should know to make their life a little easier. So these are the things I wish someone had explained to me before starting my year-long exchange at SNU. Off-Campus Accommodation It is not common to be accepted into the dorms as foreign students, so research into other accommodation options is crucial before arriving in Korea. I was under the illusion that exchange students got preference for the dorms so I did not do any research to prepare for the notice I received only a few days before departing to Korea stating that I was waitlisted at number 98. So I would suggest everyone prepare for this and secure backups. Most students will use Airbnb, Facebook, Goshipages, and local real estate agents to find a place suiting their budget and needs. I personally struggled to find accommodation and lived in a semi-basement Airbnb with a stranger for a month before securing a one-bedroom apartment near Seoul National University Station. For the locations to look into, I would recommend the Nokdu/Seoul Venture Town Station (Sillim) area for budget apartments and proximity to campus, and around Nakseongdae, Bongcheon, and Sadang stations for easy accessibility to Seoul. It is very rare to find budget apartments near SNU station due to the high demand from Korean students, but you may get lucky. I would recommend research into key deposits and officetels to understand how to broaden your options for better accommodation. Useful Applications Papago - the best translation app. Most Koreans are aware of Papago and know how to use it. So whether you are struggling to connect your card for the 1,000KRW meal, or need to find your textbook at the bookstore, Papago will be your best friend. SNUCampusMap - easy to use, just search building numbers, cafes, etc. and it will show you where they are or how to get there. NaverMap - the best map app for transportation around campus and around Korea. Tip: save your classes on NaverMap in advance and check the best way to get there. Seoul National Univ. - This is the university homepage in app form. Easy access to ETL (your class pages) and the cafeteria menus. Speaking of cafeteria menus, you should save the webpage: It is an English version of the cafeteria menus, however, the information regarding allergens is not always accurate so be aware. There are many cafeterias on campus, each with different food and different price ranges, so finding the best cafeteria is a must. My personal go-to is the 1,000KRW cafeteria (don’t forget to use your student card for the discount), or the Agriculture building (Building 75) for the incredible view. SNU Buddy The SNU Buddy program is offered to all visiting and exchange students and is an excellent way to connect with other foreign students, as well as Korean local students. I participated in the program for both of my semesters and it became the foundation for the best of my memories. You are placed into groups with your own personal Korean buddy as well as 8 other Korean students, and a range of foreign students, and together you venture both to tourist destinations such as Namsan Tower and Gyeongbokgung Palace, as well as being introduced to local and cultural experiences such as Korean MT, screaming chants at Baseball games, and relaxing at a Jjimjilbang. My highlights were shooting fireworks together at a group MT in Oido, and doing a day trip to Everland. The buddy program has been the best tool to combat loneliness as it provides instant friends looking to make memories. Clubs and Events Personally, finding out about campus events as an exchange student has been more challenging than figuring out when to use “는” and “가”. The first thing you should do is follow SNUfestival on Instagram. That is the main event each semester and the one thing you do not want to miss. The second is to attend the club fair. Ask your Korean friends in SNU Buddy, or people in your classes to find out when. It is usually in the first or second week of the semester on the picnic spot above the shuttle bus station. So keep an eye out for any tents being pitched because that will be your first hint. Joining clubs if you do not speak Korean can be very daunting but many SNU students speak English so be willing to be asking questions (a good time to use Papago). Joining clubs is also a great tool to practice your Korean and make local friends. Many clubs do not advertise at the fair so keep an eye on the physical bulletin boards, follow many SNU students on Instagram (they always advertise their clubs in their stories), and don’t be afraid to ask people! That is how in my first semester I joined the SNUTAIL club which ventures to a pet rescue center in the west of Seoul to volunteer and assist the center in caring for the animals. I asked a friend if there were any clubs aligning with my interests and they gave me recommendations. Of course, you can always join SNU Quill, the university’s English newspaper, and improve your English writing skills. Hopefully, after reading these tips, you will be able to better adjust to SNU life and make the most of your life on exchange in Korea. Good luck!
Slamming Korea with a dunk
Lee Ye-jin
Slam and Dunk— two energetic words merge into a manga title. Nearly every university student in Korea now knows the name Slam Dunk, and their parents more so. In just three months, more than four million people have watched the film, breaking the box office record for a Japanese animation release in Korea. Even after four months, the movie is holding strong–as of May 24th, it is the only movie released earlier than a month ago that has stayed within the tenth spot at the box office. What, then, is the reason and extent of its massive popularity? To Love Something No Matter What The Slam Dunk manga series by Takehiko Inoue follows the delinquent high school freshman Gang Baekho (Sakuragi). He accidentally joins a ragtag basketball team in Buksan School, learning the joys of sport and training to enter the nationals. Revived again in 26 years, the movie adaptation THE FIRST SLAM DUNK released in January 2023 was a literal slam. The movie was well-received by critics and fans alike. Critic Siwoo Jung captured the strengths of the movie in three parts: the adaptation “kept the essentials” and “maintained the original sentiment”. It also “filled in narrative gaps of existing characters” from a different perspective. Form-wise, it “engraved a new medium” into its traditional archetype by fusing 3D modeling with hand-drawn touches. To follow Slam Dunk’s game at its best, it is necessary to sketch an outlook of the manga. At its foremost is a simple yet convincing passion for basketball, and an admiration for fair victory over vanquishment. Regardless of their background, students are recognized as equal athletes when they enter the court. The characters are all just people who love the sport. As such, the protagonist utters his most famous line when his coach tries to take him out of the game for an injured back. “When were your glory days, old man?…Mine’s right now!” Readers get a chance to witness an iridescent moment of youth—the “now” that shapes an identity. Regardless of age, experience, and background, a person grows from loving and striving for something, and this message is captured within these pages. The manga received extremely positive reviews from recent fans in Korea. A fan on Twitter (straw*****) noted that “the reason why Inoue’s Baekho is so compelling is because he is not a character that is pitied. Usually, if a character’s home environment is not ideal, the narrative justifies their every action by the lack of a proper family. Slam Dunk forgoes these easy choices and only focuses on who Gang Baekho is as a person.” Another Korean user (yasa******) said the manga “conveyed an inspirational message that anyone can grow regardless of their age, experience, or family background” which ultimately led him to “look back on myself to see if I was, perhaps, also mocking someone’s struggle while not even trying as hard.” The movie THE FIRST SLAM DUNK also advocates for the importance of loving something through struggle. Handling an important match in the manga, the movie highlights another character who was a step away from the manga’s limelight. Song Taesup (Miyagi) is one of the main members of Team Buksan whose backstory is revealed through the movie, 26 years after the manga. As a child, he grieves the loss of both his father and his older brother, who was a basketball prodigy. Yet this traumatic experience does not undo Taesup completely. He suffers profusely, yet protects the sport he so much loved with his brother. Fans can see the most important game in the series through his eyes, and explore another facet of an already beloved character. The movie’s handling of the narrative is straightforward, yet its high-speed action and fluid animation catches the eye and trips the heart. For new viewers, there is not a moment to be wasted in suspense; for old fans, the thrill of seeing their favorite characters breathe and move more than make up for the expected ending. In contrast to its TV animation series, the movie successfully infuses technology to create a spectacle. Characters in the basketball court are 3D modeled, their details highlighted and traced as if by hand; the narrative outside the court is traditional 2D animation, yet the discrepancy between the two methods is minute. The latter scenes of the movie are so visually powerful that some fans have joked the two-hour movie builds up to the last ten minutes. The Power that Basketball Holds The reboot of Slam Dunk has had a significant impact on Korean fan culture across all generations, with fans becoming enthusiastic market consumers and attending or hosting events across various media genres. The merchandise market experienced a massive surge, with the first wave hitting the paper manga market. As the Slam Dunk comics were only available in paperback, the paper manga industry experienced an unprecedented rise in sales. Slam Dunk paperback sales increased by 1057% in just a week after the movie's release. Within 50 days, more than a million copies were sold in Korea. The CEO of Daewon CI, the Korean distributor of Slamdunk, commented that this is "the first time I've seen a manga sell so fast in the 32 years I've been with this company." The basketball craze also influenced the market, for not only Slam Dunk merchandise but also real basketball items. In just a week after the movie’s release, basketball shoe sales increased by 488% and basketball uniforms sales by 350%. No less than three pop-up merchandise stores for Slam Dunk were planned for early 2023. The first store, held in The Hyundai Seoul on January 26th, reached its daily limit of 800 customers the moment the doors opened. Only fans who had waited in line for two nights made it into the first 100. In particular, merchandise featuring the most popular character Jung-Daeman (Matsui) sold out in less than an hour (The character was beloved as a star player who overcame a hard injury and delinquency.) Fans jokingly used the term "Sold-Out Daeman" due to his high demand. Fans also connected through social media. Audiences of all ages found a common interest in Slam Dunk and shared stories on social media comparing their favorite characters with their parents or elders. Due to the massive interest, the Japanese band that recorded the theme song "Dai Zero Kan" came to Seoul on April 5th and held a short live concert in movie theaters. The movie brought in many new fans as well as old devotees, who enjoyed engaging with each other by hosting their own fan events. In 2023 alone, over 60 fan screenings and 80 fan cafe events are planned so far. The massive trend of Slam Dunk fandom even extended to other basketball genres, creating a united fan culture for the sport. The fanbase became so massive that an umbrella term was coined for it: "Nong-Nol," a compound word that combined the Korean words for basketball and play. The Korean webtoon Garbage Time portrays Korean high school students in professional basketball, in a more career-focused environment. The story is inspired by the success of the underdog team Busan Jungang High School in 2012. In early 2023, the webtoon experienced a sudden surge in popularity for its 4th season. Its paperback crowdfunding achieved more than 20000% of its intended goal. While the cause and effect between the popularity of Slam Dunk and Garbage Time can only be speculated, it was clear from social media that fans of both were eager to explore each other's works. The Korean movie Rebound, based on the same 2012 story as Garbage Time, also experienced a surge in popularity. It was coincidentally released on April 5th, the same day as the live concert by the Japanese band that recorded the Slam Dunk theme song. Jang Hangjoon, the director of Rebound, felt lucky to have "the basketball boom" behind his back and noticed a steep increase in sales after Slam Dunk fans started watching the movie. He also commented on the unexpected success of THE FIRST SLAM DUNK, saying "I don't think even the movie distributors or the manga’s author expected a hit this big." Fans of Garbage Time also showed significant interest in this movie and compared the Rebound characters with those from other basketball genres. Slam Dunk is still going strong, and the fans have branched out and spread to other genres as well. A well-made movie can change individuals, move the market, and create a new paradigm. Slam Dunk tells us that the act of loving something is precious; and fans have returned that same passionate love to this well-made narrative.
Enhancing the use of ChatGPT: tips for SNU students
Jeon Eo-jin
Recently, ChatGPT has gained popularity among university students as a tool for research and writing assignments. According to the online survey I conducted from May 26th to May 28th, a considerable portion of the respondents reported using ChatGPT frequently. Specifically, 20.8% use it on a daily basis, and 27.1% use it regularly (once a week or more). The survey results also highlight that the primary use of ChatGPT is for academic research and reference purposes, with 50% of respondents relying on it for these tasks. Additionally, 49.7% and 33.3% of respondents indicated that they primarily use ChatGPT for coding or programming assistance and brainstorming ideas, respectively. Overall, these survey results suggest that ChatGPT is regularly used by a diverse group of individuals for various purposes, with academic research and reference being the most prevalent uses. However, many of them tend to use ChatGPT by simply asking vague questions like “Tell me about [SUBJECT].” or requesting it to write codes for specific tasks. To make the most of ChatGPT’s potential, it is important to learn how to use it wisely. In this article, we will explore ways to use ChatGPT more wisely. One way to enhance the user experience is to install extension programs that can expand ChatGPT’s capabilities. For example, ‘Chatonai’ is a program that integrates ChatGPT results into search engines like Google or Naver. This allows users to view ChatGPT-generated results without having to switch to a different window and easily compare them with what they found on search engines. Another program, YouTube ChatGPT, automatically generates transcripts of YouTube videos, which can be helpful when summarizing or analyzing a video’s content. Additionally, to overcome ChatGPT’s limitation of not having access to the most recent information, you can also install WebChatGPT. This extension program provides access to the latest information online, enabling ChatGPT to provide more up-to-date responses. However, even with these tools, it is essential to learn how to craft effective prompts for ChatGPT to provide relevant and accurate responses. The ‘prompt’ refers to the message that we input into ChatGPT, which determines the quality of the response. To get the best results, consider the following tips: 1. Add the phrase ‘as if you were talking to a child’ at the end of a question. This approach works well when seeking detailed explanations or answers to complex concepts. 2. Use role-playing techniques. Asking ChatGPT to “Act as a [ROLE]” helps provide responses from a particular perspective or viewpoint. This approach can be useful when trying to understand a specific profession, field, or industry. For example, if you are studying business management, you can request ChatGPT to “Act as a business consultant” and seek advice on strategies for improving customer retention in competitive markets. Here, ChatGPT will generate responses as if it were a business consultant, offering insights, data-driven recommendations, and industry-specific knowledge to address the query effectively. 3. Be specific about the details of the question. Providing in-depth information about the topic, context, or even the desired length of the response can help ChatGPT provide more targeted and relevant answers. For example, if the prompt is “Tell me about Seoul National University” specifying it to “in the context of its campus facilities, location, and student life” or adding “limit the response to 500 words or less” can help to generate more focused responses. 4. Utilize ChatGPT to review your assignment. You can ask it to check for typos in your work or even request for it to grade your writing. ChatGPT will provide brief feedback on the structure of your writing. This feature has the advantage of allowing you to quickly get an opinion about your report without having to ask someone else to evaluate it. However, it is important to remember that it is ultimately the user's responsibility to decide whether to utilize this information and seek additional feedback. 5. Finally, use existing prompt templates available online. These templates provide pre-written prompts that have been tested and proven to be effective. This can be a helpful starting point for students who are new to using ChatGPT. For instance, when crafting a catchy slogan for a particular product or service, you can search online for prompt templates related to that topic. One possible template could be: “Product/Service: [What product or service is the slogan for?], Audience: [Who is the target audience for the slogan?], Tone: [What tone should the slogan convey? E.g., playful, serious, etc.], Keywords: [Enter a few keywords related to the product or service].” Simply fill in the required information within the brackets and select the desired output language, and ChatGPT will generate a wonderful and creative slogan for you. As a small tip, apart from conducting internet searches, Chatonai is another trustworthy resource for finding such templates. By following these tips, you will be able to fully harness ChatGPT as a research and learning tool. If used properly, the range of applications of ChatGPT is literally ‘infinite.’ Remember: the effectiveness of ChatGPT depends on the user’s ability to use it wisely and appropriately. Thus if students utilize it well and experiment with different ways to use it, it can lead to a much more efficient life with integrity.