Slamming Korea with a dunk
Lee Ye-jin
Slam and Dunk— two energetic words merge into a manga title. Nearly every university student in Korea now knows the name Slam Dunk, and their parents more so. In just three months, more than four million people have watched the film, breaking the box office record for a Japanese animation release in Korea. Even after four months, the movie is holding strong–as of May 24th, it is the only movie released earlier than a month ago that has stayed within the tenth spot at the box office. What, then, is the reason and extent of its massive popularity?To Love Something No Matter WhatThe Slam Dunk manga series by Takehiko Inoue follows the delinquent high school freshman Gang Baekho (Sakuragi). He accidentally joins a ragtag basketball team in Buksan School, learning the joys of sport and training to enter the nationals. Revived again in 26 years, the movie adaptation THE FIRST SLAM DUNK released in January 2023 was a literal slam. The movie was well-received by critics and fans alike. Critic Siwoo Jung captured the strengths of the movie in three parts: the adaptation “kept the essentials” and “maintained the original sentiment”. It also “filled in narrative gaps of existing characters” from a different perspective. Form-wise, it “engraved a new medium” into its traditional archetype by fusing 3D modeling with hand-drawn touches. To follow Slam Dunk’s game at its best, it is necessary to sketch an outlook of the manga. At its foremost is a simple yet convincing passion for basketball, and an admiration for fair victory over vanquishment. Regardless of their background, students are recognized as equal athletes when they enter the court. The characters are all just people who love the sport. As such, the protagonist utters his most famous line when his coach tries to take him out of the game for an injured back. “When were your glory days, old man?…Mine’s right now!” Readers get a chance to witness an iridescent moment of youth—the “now” that shapes an identity. Regardless of age, experience, and background, a person grows from loving and striving for something, and this message is captured within these pages. The manga received extremely positive reviews from recent fans in Korea. A fan on Twitter (straw*****) noted that “the reason why Inoue’s Baekho is so compelling is because he is not a character that is pitied. Usually, if a character’s home environment is not ideal, the narrative justifies their every action by the lack of a proper family. Slam Dunk forgoes these easy choices and only focuses on who Gang Baekho is as a person. ” Another Korean user (yasa******) said the manga “conveyed an inspirational message that anyone can grow regardless of their age, experience, or family background” which ultimately led him to “look back on myself to see if I was, perhaps, also mocking someone’s struggle while not even trying as hard. ”The movie THE FIRST SLAM DUNK also advocates for the importance of loving something through struggle. Handling an important match in the manga, the movie highlights another character who was a step away from the manga’s limelight. Song Taesup (Miyagi) is one of the main members of Team Buksan whose backstory is revealed through the movie, 26 years after the manga. As a child, he grieves the loss of both his father and his older brother, who was a basketball prodigy. Yet this traumatic experience does not undo Taesup completely. He suffers profusely, yet protects the sport he so much loved with his brother. Fans can see the most important game in the series through his eyes, and explore another facet of an already beloved character. The movie’s handling of the narrative is straightforward, yet its high-speed action and fluid animation catches the eye and trips the heart. For new viewers, there is not a moment to be wasted in suspense; for old fans, the thrill of seeing their favorite characters breathe and move more than make up for the expected ending. In contrast to its TV animation series, the movie successfully infuses technology to create a spectacle. Characters in the basketball court are 3D modeled, their details highlighted and traced as if by hand; the narrative outside the court is traditional 2D animation, yet the discrepancy between the two methods is minute. The latter scenes of the movie are so visually powerful that some fans have joked the two-hour movie builds up to the last ten minutes. The Power that Basketball HoldsThe reboot of Slam Dunk has had a significant impact on Korean fan culture across all generations, with fans becoming enthusiastic market consumers and attending or hosting events across various media genres. The merchandise market experienced a massive surge, with the first wave hitting the paper manga market. As the Slam Dunk comics were only available in paperback, the paper manga industry experienced an unprecedented rise in sales. Slam Dunk paperback sales increased by 1057% in just a week after the movie's release. Within 50 days, more than a million copies were sold in Korea. The CEO of Daewon CI, the Korean distributor of Slamdunk, commented that this is "the first time I've seen a manga sell so fast in the 32 years I've been with this company. "The basketball craze also influenced the market, for not only Slam Dunk merchandise but also real basketball items. In just a week after the movie’s release, basketball shoe sales increased by 488% and basketball uniforms sales by 350%. No less than three pop-up merchandise stores for Slam Dunk were planned for early 2023. The first store, held in The Hyundai Seoul on January 26th, reached its daily limit of 800 customers the moment the doors opened. Only fans who had waited in line for two nights made it into the first 100. In particular, merchandise featuring the most popular character Jung-Daeman (Matsui) sold out in less than an hour (The character was beloved as a star player who overcame a hard injury and delinquency. ) Fans jokingly used the term "Sold-Out Daeman" due to his high demand. Fans also connected through social media. Audiences of all ages found a common interest in Slam Dunk and shared stories on social media comparing their favorite characters with their parents or elders. Due to the massive interest, the Japanese band that recorded the theme song "Dai Zero Kan" came to Seoul on April 5th and held a short live concert in movie theaters. The movie brought in many new fans as well as old devotees, who enjoyed engaging with each other by hosting their own fan events. In 2023 alone, over 60 fan screenings and 80 fan cafe events are planned so far. The massive trend of Slam Dunk fandom even extended to other basketball genres, creating a united fan culture for the sport. The fanbase became so massive that an umbrella term was coined for it: "Nong-Nol," a compound word that combined the Korean words for basketball and play. The Korean webtoon Garbage Time portrays Korean high school students in professional basketball, in a more career-focused environment. The story is inspired by the success of the underdog team Busan Jungang High School in 2012. In early 2023, the webtoon experienced a sudden surge in popularity for its 4th season. Its paperback crowdfunding achieved more than 20000% of its intended goal. While the cause and effect between the popularity of Slam Dunk and Garbage Time can only be speculated, it was clear from social media that fans of both were eager to explore each other's works. The Korean movie Rebound, based on the same 2012 story as Garbage Time, also experienced a surge in popularity. It was coincidentally released on April 5th, the same day as the live concert by the Japanese band that recorded the Slam Dunk theme song. Jang Hangjoon, the director of Rebound, felt lucky to have "the basketball boom" behind his back and noticed a steep increase in sales after Slam Dunk fans started watching the movie. He also commented on the unexpected success of THE FIRST SLAM DUNK, saying "I don't think even the movie distributors or the manga’s author expected a hit this big. " Fans of Garbage Time also showed significant interest in this movie and compared the Rebound characters with those from other basketball genres. Slam Dunk is still going strong, and the fans have branched out and spread to other genres as well. A well-made movie can change individuals, move the market, and create a new paradigm. Slam Dunk tells us that the act of loving something is precious; and fans have returned that same passionate love to this well-made narrative.
Enhancing the use of ChatGPT: tips for SNU students
Jeon Eo-jin
Recently, ChatGPT has gained popularity among university students as a tool for research and writing assignments. According to the online survey I conducted from May 26th to May 28th, a considerable portion of the respondents reported using ChatGPT frequently. Specifically, 20. 8% use it on a daily basis, and 27. 1% use it regularly (once a week or more). The survey results also highlight that the primary use of ChatGPT is for academic research and reference purposes, with 50% of respondents relying on it for these tasks. Additionally, 49. 7% and 33. 3% of respondents indicated that they primarily use ChatGPT for coding or programming assistance and brainstorming ideas, respectively. Overall, these survey results suggest that ChatGPT is regularly used by a diverse group of individuals for various purposes, with academic research and reference being the most prevalent uses. However, many of them tend to use ChatGPT by simply asking vague questions like “Tell me about [SUBJECT]. ” or requesting it to write codes for specific tasks. To make the most of ChatGPT’s potential, it is important to learn how to use it wisely. In this article, we will explore ways to use ChatGPT more wisely. One way to enhance the user experience is to install extension programs that can expand ChatGPT’s capabilities. For example, ‘Chatonai’ is a program that integrates ChatGPT results into search engines like Google or Naver. This allows users to view ChatGPT-generated results without having to switch to a different window and easily compare them with what they found on search engines. Another program, YouTube ChatGPT, automatically generates transcripts of YouTube videos, which can be helpful when summarizing or analyzing a video’s content. Additionally, to overcome ChatGPT’s limitation of not having access to the most recent information, you can also install WebChatGPT. This extension program provides access to the latest information online, enabling ChatGPT to provide more up-to-date responses. However, even with these tools, it is essential to learn how to craft effective prompts for ChatGPT to provide relevant and accurate responses. The ‘prompt’ refers to the message that we input into ChatGPT, which determines the quality of the response. To get the best results, consider the following tips: 1. Add the phrase ‘as if you were talking to a child’ at the end of a question. This approach works well when seeking detailed explanations or answers to complex concepts. 2. Use role-playing techniques. Asking ChatGPT to “Act as a [ROLE]” helps provide responses from a particular perspective or viewpoint. This approach can be useful when trying to understand a specific profession, field, or industry. For example, if you are studying business management, you can request ChatGPT to “Act as a business consultant” and seek advice on strategies for improving customer retention in competitive markets. Here, ChatGPT will generate responses as if it were a business consultant, offering insights, data-driven recommendations, and industry-specific knowledge to address the query effectively. 3. Be specific about the details of the question. Providing in-depth information about the topic, context, or even the desired length of the response can help ChatGPT provide more targeted and relevant answers. For example, if the prompt is “Tell me about Seoul National University” specifying it to “in the context of its campus facilities, location, and student life” or adding “limit the response to 500 words or less” can help to generate more focused responses. 4. Utilize ChatGPT to review your assignment. You can ask it to check for typos in your work or even request for it to grade your writing. ChatGPT will provide brief feedback on the structure of your writing. This feature has the advantage of allowing you to quickly get an opinion about your report without having to ask someone else to evaluate it. However, it is important to remember that it is ultimately the user's responsibility to decide whether to utilize this information and seek additional feedback. 5. Finally, use existing prompt templates available online. These templates provide pre-written prompts that have been tested and proven to be effective. This can be a helpful starting point for students who are new to using ChatGPT. For instance, when crafting a catchy slogan for a particular product or service, you can search online for prompt templates related to that topic. One possible template could be: “Product/Service: [What product or service is the slogan for?], Audience: [Who is the target audience for the slogan?], Tone: [What tone should the slogan convey? E. g. , playful, serious, etc. ], Keywords: [Enter a few keywords related to the product or service]. ” Simply fill in the required information within the brackets and select the desired output language, and ChatGPT will generate a wonderful and creative slogan for you. As a small tip, apart from conducting internet searches, Chatonai is another trustworthy resource for finding such templates. By following these tips, you will be able to fully harness ChatGPT as a research and learning tool. If used properly, the range of applications of ChatGPT is literally ‘infinite. ’ Remember: the effectiveness of ChatGPT depends on the user’s ability to use it wisely and appropriately. Thus if students utilize it well and experiment with different ways to use it, it can lead to a much more efficient life with integrity.
Bulgogi without the Gogi
Alyssa Steyn
I’m sitting in a restaurant scanning the menu and see the dish Kimchi Mandu (dumpling) labeled as vegetarian. I am thrilled as the dish usually contains seafood or pork, so I eagerly order a plate and wait. After a few minutes they arrive, I take a bite, and low and behold… an entire shrimp inside. Before coming to Korea I had been comfortably sustaining an 80% vegan lifestyle. I had heard online that it would be difficult to maintain in Korea so I made a pact with myself to stick only to a vegetarian diet whilst here. Yet, two days after arrival, I had bitten into an egg pastry containing pork. So I re-evaluated and decided this was not going to work. I will want Korean BBQ at some point with my friends, so I thought, “Why not eat pork for now?”. However, it was not as easy as I thought. There have been a few times during my year abroad in Seoul when even this wasn't enough adaptation, and I was forced to move my entire friend group to another restaurant just so I could get food for myself. I tried to opt for vegetarian options when possible and often would visit vegan restaurants, but meat had unfortunately become a vital part of my diet. However, I am certainly not alone in experiencing difficulties with following dietary requirements in Korea. A survey I conducted at Seoul National University with 41 foreign students found that 87. 5% of those with dietary requirements had to adapt their diets to some extent in Korea, as I had to. 32. 1% cited religion, environment, and allergy or intolerance as the reasons for their dietary requirements. It is important to note that both ‘religion’ and ‘allergy/intolerance’ indicates that the diet cannot simply be modified to fit the cultural norms of a country. When compared to those without any dietary requirements, those who pursue a different diet are likely to find that the accessibility to nutritious vegetarian food is key in shaping social relationships with friends. Only 14% of participants with dietary requirements stated that their diet has never influenced their lifestyle. The rest exclaimed that whether it is because “eating out with friends is difficult”, or it “limits where we can go”, the general consensus was that we “do not want to seem difficult”. We are all afraid of it being too much of a hassle for our friends to find a restaurant that can cater to our needs, that we at times avoid eating out with others entirely. “Food is a big part of feeling at home in a new place, so it's hard if every meal is a struggle,” a student commented in the survey. It also leaves us missing out on a range of traditional Korean foods that are a huge part of Korean social culture, such as Korean BBQ Dak-galbi (spicy stir-fried chicken). Korean social culture is shaped around sharing a meal together and it’s hard to indulge in the culture if there is limited ability to share with those who make it feel like home. However, it is not entirely difficult. When in Oido, I had a lovely restaurant owner who kindly offered to prepare me my own egg-based Kal-guksu (knife-cut noodles) after explaining I cannot eat seafood, and it was one of the best meals I had eaten in my life. An anonymous survey responder also noted that “as there is more demand now, we already see change and it's improving a lot in Korea. ”When asking a particular SNU student what caused them to become vegetarian, watching the 2017 film Okja directed by Bong Joon-Ho opened her eyes to the reality of meat consumption in the modern world. “The film scared me how animals were treated and made me realize it is no different from our own lives,” she noted. She explained that although the film is set in a futuristic world where livestock are genetically engineered by profit-driven companies to produce a new source of meat, the film is a criticism of how the current meat industry selectively breeds to maximize the quality of the meat produced, through ethically questionable practices. In my home country Australia, the last 10 years have seen a huge shift in perspective about dietary requirements, to the point where cafes and restaurants are criticized for not having allergen labels and not having accommodatable menu items. This made it easy for me to be plant-based. With vegetarianism in Korea increasing to about 1. 5-2. 0 million people (Korea Vegetarian Union), reaching about 3% of the population, I believe these positive changes will occur here as well. Veganism and vegetarianism are on the rise in Korea. Slowly, but surely. And in time, with activism, there will be increased education, increased options, and hopefully an increase in labels for ingredients as well.
Kicks rule everything around me
Park See-on
What does “kicks rule everything around me” mean? Kicks mean sneakers in this phrase; therefore the sentence implies the importance of sneakers. “Kicks Rule Everything Around Me” is an abbreviation of KREAM, which is the most popular resale platform app in Korea - it occupies over 70% of the Korean resale market. Users sell and buy fashion items such as sneakers, sweatshirts, and even luxury products through KREAM. Premium items include accessible luxury products to high-end items. In fact, KREAM specializes in buying and selling limited edition items such as sneakers that cannot be found in general stores. I also have used the platform to buy my limited edition Nike sneakers. They can only be bought by a lucky draw, where products are only sold to those who win through a lottery and are not available elsewhere. Furthermore, it’s possible to buy products at a relatively low price and sell them at a higher price if you are lucky. On KREAM, prices of products always change based on a stock market principle, where demand and supply cause frequent booms and busts. For example, the price of one pair of Nike sneakers went up to \300,000 last year but dropped to \100,000 when the demand for it decreased. Resale platforms are a big trend in the e-commerce market. In 2022, KREAM’s sales recorded \45. 9 billion, which was an increase of 1300% from 2021, and its annual transaction volume reached \1. 5 trillion. KREAM’s mobile app also recorded 4 million monthly active users as of 2022. What has caused the rapid growth of KREAM? Crucial differences between KREAM and existing secondhand platforms have contributed to its popularity. The biggest difference is that users can only sell new products on KREAM. KREAM also offers a verification system that distinguishes brand products from fake items. Thanks to this verification system, users can trust and purchase brand or luxury items. There are many fake items on consumer-to-consumer(C2C) transaction platforms because users who want to buy items have no choice but to trust the words of the sellers that it is genuine. Most secondhand platforms are based on C2C transactions where users directly contact others. But users who want to sell items on KREAM must first send them to KREAM’s office, which will re-send items to other users who want to purchase them after its verification process. This allows users to trust the transaction process without worrying about counterfeit goods or leakage of personal information. So, how does KREAM make money through this resale platform that connects buyers and sellers? KREAM charges a commission fee of 7% in its verification process and this charge is the main source of its revenue. At first, KREAM didn’t charge any commission fees to acquire users. This resulted in KREAM recording an operating loss of \59. 5 billion in 2021. It was ‘planned loss’, which means it was intended by KREAM. Its goal was to increase its market share without earning a commission fee and it has definitely achieved its goal. However, KREAM is not without its controversies. As mentioned above, KREAM occupies over 70% of the Korean resale market which means KREAM has almost monopolized the resale market in Korea. As KREAM is owned by Naver, the biggest big tech company in Korea, it has sufficient capital to expand its business. KREAM is continuously increasing the commission rate charged on sales and purchases, so there are concerns that burdens on consumers will increase. However, since KREAM has already monopolized the Korean resale market, users will have to continue using KREAM without any other alternatives. Today, the scale of the resale market is getting bigger. The size of the Korean resale market was \700B in 2021 and exceeded \1 trillion in 2022. It is expected to grow to \2. 8 trillion by 2025. Generation MZ is the main user of the resale market. They prioritize ‘value consumption,’ which seeks to express individuality through consumption and this has increased the demand for rare items that are difficult to buy even with money. In particular, ‘raffle marketing’, which sells limited edition products through random gambling competitions, boosted the growth of the resale market. Raffle marketing and lucky draw events, which give the opportunity of buying items to winners, have a high competition rate. For popular items, the competition ratio is nearly 10,000:1. People with raffle prizes get rare items and sell them at a higher price on resale platforms. Resale platforms are a big trend not only in Korea but also abroad. The scale of the global resale market reached $36 billion in 2022 and it is expected to reach $77 billion by 2025. This means resale platforms like Korea's KREAM are gaining popularity in many countries. For example, StockX in the US succeeded in becoming a unicorn in the industry with a corporate value of over $1, and it is the first resale platform that applied the principle of the stock market. Experts believe the scale of the resale market will continue to grow. If this trend continues, more people will buy their fashion items on the resale platform, not on the brands’ websites, and the resale market may evolve into a full-fledged e-commerce system. This will be a big change in the e-commerce market.